HMPRESENTLY: Inspired… to Write Hip Hop Lyrics… by Lauren Boebert

After talking about ‘senior hip hop’, here in the Daily Post, I’m trying my hand at writing hip hop lyrics.

I wrote a poem once, a long time ago, and an ode, more recently.  So why not take a shot at composing some hip hop?

And, who’s giving me a little inspiration? Your local Congressional Rep. Lauren Boebert, who may be, for some, a real fixation… throughout our nation.

So, here we go! Let’s hip hop!

The world’s comin’ to an end, Colorado Rep. Lauren Boebert just said.

The end times comin’ up upon us… that’s no fun, and that’s a promise!

So with such dejection, why the hell is she runnin’ for reelection?

Maybe she could be doin’ some other things, spending her limited time on more productive things…

Wouldn’t ya think… Wouldn’t ya think?

Harvey Radin

Harvey Radin

Harvey Radin is former senior vice president in charge of corporate communications and media relations, Bank of America Western Region. He makes his home in Redwood City, CA.