Fatality in Durango Ascribed to West Nile Virus

A La Plata County resident with West Nile virus, a mosquito-borne illness, died last week, marking the tenth death among Colorado residents with the virus in 2022. San Juan Basin Public Health urges residents and visitors to take precautions to protect themselves.

West Nile virus is carried by mosquitoes and can be passed on to humans through bites from an infected mosquito. Those age 60 and older and those with certain medical conditions are at greater risk for serious illness.

Most people infected with mosquito-borne viruses do not get sick or have mild symptoms. For those who have symptoms, the time between the mosquito bite and the start of symptoms can be from 2 to 14 days. In rare cases, the virus can cause a serious brain infection such as meningitis or encephalitis. These infections begin suddenly with high fever and headache and may progress to stiff neck, disorientation, tremors and coma. Severe infections can result in permanent brain damage or death. Most deaths occur in persons over 50 years of age.

There is no treatment for the virus other than supportive care, and there is no vaccine to prevent it. If you think you or a family member is sick with West Nile virus, consult a health care provider.

To protect yourself:

  • Use insect repellents when you go outdoors. Repellents containing DEET, picaridin, IR3535, oil of lemon eucalyptus, or para-menthane-diol products provide the best protection. For more information about insect repellents visit the EPA’s information webpage. Always follow label instructions.
  • Limit outdoor activities at dusk and dawn, when mosquitoes are most active.
  • Wear long pants, long-sleeved shirts, and socks in areas where mosquitoes are active. Spray clothes with insect repellent for extra protection.

To mosquito-proof your home:

  • Empty water from tires, cans, flowerpots, clogged gutters, rain barrels, birdbaths, toys, and puddles at least once every week.
  • Install or repair screens on windows and doors.

Megan Graham

Megan Graham