LETTER: Counting Ballots Securely

I urge everyone to watch the film, 2000 Mules.

I do think there was election fraud around the country… and the voters have to believe in our system… beyond a shadow of a doubt.

We need to get rid of the Dominion machines. They are not a good representation of a secure system.

I personally believe we need to hand-count the ballots. Whether we mail them out or not, we need to have people bring them back and show their IDs.  We need to clean up our voter rolls.

I canvassed for a candidate, and I saw lots of issues. People that didn’t live where I went, addresses that weren’t complete and consistent, etc. For example, I walked some of the Archuleta Housing areas. The street address was there, then either the building number wasn’t included, or the apartment number wasn’t included, and people who were registered there didn’t live there. It needs to have both.

If we don’t have video surveillance at the drop boxes, we should. And maybe someone to monitor them during the election process!

Ellen Schmidt
Pagosa Springs, CO

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