HMPRESENTLY: What the World Really Revolves Around

Pagosa Springs, Archuleta County, states, nations — the whole world, actually! — revolves around management. That’s what I’ve been thinking, lately.

In one way or another, it’s management that impacts nearly everything… and everyone.

What management actually is, according to dictionaries, is “the conducting or supervising of something.” Managers managing, conducting, and supervising does seem to be what’s going on, since they’re often scampering around, seemingly doing those sorts of things.

That’s how it is in business, and it’s much the same in government.

Now that’s an interesting word… ‘conducting.’ “To direct the course of” things is what it means.

Like, let’s say, the course of sewage getting pumped uphill, for several miles, to the sewage-treatment plant serving Pagosa Springs? Having to deal with problematic pumps, along the way, that keep getting – shall we say? – all gummed up, must be testing the mettle, and the management style, of your local officials.

Pushing almost anything several miles uphill requires stamina… in this instance, in particular, the stamina of both the pumping machines and your local officials. Although the pumping machines’ stamina has been waning, increasingly, and that’s been, you might say, at the heart of what’s turning out to be an increasingly concerning situation.

That’s just one of the things requiring some very close management, from what I’ve been reading, in the Daily Post.

Just thinking about all the managers worldwide conducting the course of things, can be mind-boggling. That guy managing Russia’s warfare in Ukraine… there’s hardly any way, imaginable, to describe his management style.

I’ll tell you one thing… current events sure can get you all worked up, except, occasionally, when you get a short break from it all.

Like, for me, when the sun was rising just a bit from behind a cloud, the other day, shining on trees and plants, and on a particularly long spider web, dazzling everything.

But then, later on, ‘virtue cycling’ was in the news. Some GOP lawmakers were bashing Democrats for virtue cycling, whatever that is. Perhaps, like me, you’re not familiar with those words?

I’ll tell you another thing… the dictionaries may not be familiar with them, either, because, unless I’m missing something, I couldn’t find ‘virtue cycling’ in the online dictionaries.

There were a couple of things about bike cycling and trail bike brands. That was about it!

There was, however, one thing, in one of the dictionaries, about something called a ‘virtuous circle,’ defined as “a chain of events in which one desirable occurrence leads to another which further promotes the first occurrence and so on resulting in a continuous process of improvement.”

But that couldn’t have been what the Republicans had in mind, with bashing the Dems as their objective.

So this whole thing is confusing.

Maybe there was some management glitch, with the GOP’s messaging?

Harvey Radin

Harvey Radin

Harvey Radin is former senior vice president in charge of corporate communications and media relations, Bank of America Western Region. He makes his home in Redwood City, CA.