OPINION: Living Under the Tyranny of Lawyers and Courts

By Wayne Bryant

I’d like to thank Mr. Beatty for his recent critique of my previous op-ed. His response was just what I was hoping for, because his point of view is exactly what we are fighting against, just as our founding fathers before us.

I borrowed these words from a radio commentator because I couldn’t have said it any better:

“We are now living in a tyranny of lawyers and the federal court system.  Liberal lawyers bring politically motivated suits and then defend SCOTUS decisions based on precedent rather than contractual words. They have succeeded in eliminating many of the protections our founders guaranteed to us in the Constitution.”

There are several ways to implement total change in a country’s system of government.  Sudden change by revolution, while often effective, destroys the infrastructure, causes widespread suffering, and increases the risk of human fatalities.  Much more effective is a gradual change from within, that is, creating a domestic insurgency that is initially subtle and inconspicuous.  Successful insurgencies begin by providing necessities of life to a target population that serves as concealment when political and military operations are initiated.  The process of undermining a legitimate government usually requires years.

Taught well by Saul Alinsky in his book, Rules for Radicals, some early founders of the American Progressive Movement became adept at using a real or manufactured crisis (the Civil War was first) to create fear in the general population. Complicit media outlets use fake science and dire predictions to persuade people that only government intervention will protect and save them.
It’s all about eliminating individual freedom guaranteed by our Constitution and our Natural Law Rights enumerated in the Bill of Rights to enslave the people in a collectivist tyranny.

The Constitution is a voluntary contract entered into by the thirteen sovereign states and their sovereign citizens that created a federal government, which was not a party to the agreement.  Having just thrown off the yoke of regal tyranny, the citizens demanded a central government of limited power that guaranteed the individual freedom and Natural Law Rights of the people and the sovereignty of each state.  The founders achieved that stability with a system of checks and balances based on separate constituencies for each branch of government.

Our well-designed Constitution was an obstacle for those in our society who have a psychological need for power and to control others.  After initial attempts to bend and circumvent the rules, it became obvious that their only true option was to change the rules and history. This alternative involved making changes to the rule book, often by deception. 

The most devastating and destructive attack on the Constitution began when lawyers (Article 1. Section IX of the Constitution regarding titles of nobility, the 13th Amendment, original Bill of Rights) got involved as promoters of the American Progressive Movement.  The expansion of federal power was facilitated by the general moral corruption of professional politicians who legislated based on financial rewards used for personal gain and their reelection campaigns. Sound familiar?

Lawyers, judges, law enforcement, however, are trained to exploit the words of legal documents and twist them to support a specific outcome.  As a result, every piece of legislation, every executive order, and every bureaucratic regulation becomes subject to judicial review, even though no such provisions exist in the Constitution.  As decisions in lower federal courts are contested, eventually the Supreme Court gets involved. 

Contract law (corporate/commerce) in business dealings involves reading the words, understanding what they mean, and deciding accordingly.  In the federal court system, decisions tend to be based on previous rulings instead of on the Constitution itself, i.e., the original document.  It is a system that easily exaggerates and perpetuates judicial errors and makes correction of obvious previous mistakes difficult.  The result is that current Supreme Court decisions often contradict the clear meaning of the words of the Constitution. 

Mr. Beatty represents that point of view from the re-writing our history, which is completely understandable. He, along with our entire population, have been by-products of that re-writing of our history. We have been taught and programed to believe this version of our history. Mr. Beatty can name all the institutions he wants, to portray his point. These are the same institutions that have (for generations) fed us lie after lie in an attempt to control and manipulate us into slavery. He comes out of that system of unconstitutional regulations statutes, and enforcement. So of course he’s going to have that point of view.

The rewriting of our Constitution in 1871 accomplished just that. The biggest lie was becoming a corporation instead of remaining a constitutional republic. ‘We the People’ died. Remember the 13th Amendment concerning titles nobility? Well here you go. Mr. Beatty comes out of and represents that agenda, as do so many others who have been educated into not knowing our real history. Law Enforcement being the most crucial element. Hence, my running for Sheriff. That’s why my grandfather and so many others tell these stories; because they have been excluded from our written history. Just like the 13th Amendment. You have to dig deep to rediscover them.

Who else has been guilty of this? History is full of them. The victors always rewrite history to justify their agenda!

Remember the Tories, the English king’s supporters, I mentioned in my article regarding our nation’s history? Our founding fathers fought against the king’s (British empire) economic control over them to win freedom and independence. At that time via, the king’s authority the bankers, merchants, traders, land owners, shipping entities etc. controlled the colonists just like today. Well, it was short lived. Not quite a 100 years.

I’m not going to get caught up in a debate with Mr. Beatty regarding our history. It would be of no use getting caught up in that age old trap or revolving door of word games because ‘We the People’ will always lose. You, the reader, must discover the truth for yourself. That was the point of my previous article about our history: to get you thinking of how we have been slowly and methodically manipulated.

I want to thank Mr. Beatty for revealing this position. This is exactly what I am fighting against. As your Sheriff, it is my sworn duty to protect and defend your constitutional rights.

Mr. Beatty is absolutely correct, I must have a working knowledge of the Sheriff’s role, duties and legal authority. I do, and that is to abolish this corrupt system of government that continues to control us against our will. That is my sworn duty, and I will protect your freedoms and liberties. Please go to my web site AmericansAgainstFraudandCorruption.com to read and see my videos.

Wayne Bryant is a write-in candidate for Archuleta County Sheriff.

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