LETTER: The Harmful Influence of Corporations and Billionaires

“Any time that the water starts becoming more valuable than the land, you end up with the possibility of outside speculators,” said Andrew Mueller, general manager of the Colorado River District, a public planning and policy agency that oversees water use in western Colorado. Mr. Mueller said his state has been seeing continued interest in agricultural water and lands by outside investment groups…”

The above literally says it all. I am sick of corporations and billionaire dynasties like the Koch and Walton families who think they are entitled to everything including public land and natural resources… when will their greed end? When the planet is only suitable for occupation by the oligarchs?

We see this greed on full display right here in Archuleta County and neighboring communities and how it distorts our local government services. Why else even consider granting a land swap to Kelcy Warren or an access road to Red McCombs or contemplate buying the land for “Mountain Crossings” when we already own the ranch land up the road?

Whose interests do our forest service personnel and county commissioners truly serve?

Carol Bronder
Pagosa Springs

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