HMPRESENTLY: On the Same Page, the Same Day

Arizona Senator Kyrsten Sinema, in Politico — and me, in the Daily Post — I think we were on the same page, on the same day.

I said, in my HMPRESENTLY column, yesterday (November 17):

Call me old-fashioned, but isn’t it better when folks can talk things out… and work together… and just get along?

And call me naïve, but why, in a nation prizing freedom and democracy… and free speech… is it becoming par for the course to be at each other’s throats, all the time? To be sworn enemies of one another, just because we disagree on some things?

In Politico, yesterday (November 17), Senator Sinema said:

Having some disagreement is normal. It is real, it is human. And it’s an opportunity for us as mature beings to work through it.

If you’re in the middle of negotiating things that are delicate or difficult … doing it in good faith directly with each other is the best way to get to an outcome.

Harvey Radin

Harvey Radin

Harvey Radin is former senior vice president in charge of corporate communications and media relations, Bank of America Western Region. He makes his home in Redwood City, CA.