Free Gardening Lecture Tonight, Via Zoom

Tonight, Monday, July 12, 6:00pm, a free Q&A on “Sowing Seeds in the Heat and Succession Planting” will be held via Zoom or telephone.

Thank you to our sponsor, Growing Spaces, makers of the award-winning geodesic dome kits that allow families to control their food source all year round.

Local gardening expert Ron Chacey will discuss the easiest and best practices of starting vegetable seeds and encouraging growth in the summer heat. By employing a few easy routines, plants will avoid suffering and grow beautifully to their full potential. Mr. Chacey will also present methods of succession planting which will increase crop availability by making efficient use of space and timing. A believer in trial and error in all areas of gardening, Mr. Chacey invites all of your questions.

To join the free Q&A, click on this link:

Meeting ID: 828 4247 9686 l Passcode: 141051. One tap mobile: (669) 900-6833

The Pagosa Springs Community Garden is located at the end of 5th Street on the San Juan River in downtown Pagosa Springs. Decades old, the Garden is on land owned by the Town of Pagosa Springs, and plots are granted to the town’s citizens free of charge. In 2017, the Garden was rejuvenated by community volunteers with the assistance of local Pagosa Springs businesses. Raised beds and deer-out fencing were constructed with donated lumber. Soil amendments, fertilizers, seeds, plant starts, native plants, tools, hoses, and other necessary items are all provided through the continuing support and generosity of Pagosa Springs businesses. The Town of Pagosa Springs provides free water for the Pagosa Springs Community Garden.

A heartfelt thank you to all of our sponsors: the volunteer gardeners, Ponderosa Lumber, Terry’s Ace Hardware, Tractor Supply, Walmart, Sherwin Williams, Camino Real, the Old Fort at Hesperus, the Archuleta County Extension office, and the Town of Pagosa Springs.

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