A DIFFERENT POINT OF VIEW: Pornography vs Online Shopping

I overheard the following conversation between two men coming out of my post office. One was carrying an Amazon package and said, “I’d be rich if my wife quit ordering from Amazon!”… to which the other replied, “I know what you mean, the Amazon truck stops at my house every day!”

I can relate. The Amazon truck comes to my own house several times a week.

Amazon is porn for women.

I shared my story with a smart, educated woman I know, and her response was, “God, you’re right! I can’t think of a response to that!” I’ve told it to other women as well. None has told me I was wrong, or to kiss her… so I must be on to something.

I’m willing to bet the average women spends more time surfing the Amazon website, than her man spends surfing porn. The difference is that you can’t order what you see on Pornhub and have it delivered in 24 hours.

However, if that ever becomes possible I’ll bet Amazon does it first. Then Bezos will have as many men as women hooked on his website. In the meantime, men will have to settle for ordering these…

A Harmony RealDoll customizable sex robot head by Abyss Creations is displayed during the 2020 AVN Adult Expo.

I’m not being facetious here. People with a vested interest in treating it claim porn is an addiction. Well, so is being a shopaholic! Amazon is like dying and going to heaven for them. They can shop 24/7 without having to fix their hair and get dressed to go to a mall.

Amazon founder Jeff Bezos is a genius. No wonder he’s richest man in the world. His website is like crack cocaine. Women can’t get enough of it. Not only are they shopping at home, you see them surfing Amazon on work computers during lunch hour — and sometimes during work.

I once took an intro to economics class. The instructor gave us an assignment to go to any mall and compare how much retail floor space was devoted to women versus men. There was no comparison. Women-related products, primarily clothes and cosmetics, occupied significantly more floor space. He said women retail shoppers fuel the American economy.

Bezos is grabbing an ever-growing proportion of that demographic.

A psychologist friend told me there are women who would give up sex before they’d give up their Amazon account. That’s what led me to conclude it’s porn for women. The irony would be too rich, if that’s the reason Bezos got divorced.

Gary Beatty

Gary Beatty

Gary Beatty lives between Florida and Pagosa Springs. He retired after 30 years as a prosecutor for the State of Florida, has a doctorate in law, is Board Certified in Criminal Trial law by the Florida Supreme Court, and is now a law professor.