ESSAY: Building Community, One ‘Little Free Library’ at a Time

By Laurah Brock Young

It started as an idea… and has blossomed into a community project!

The Pagosa Little Free Library Project has taken off. Many people in Pagosa Springs have wanted Little Free Libraries in our community. You may have seen them in other towns and cities — those cute little boxes on a stand outside someone home or a business, or in a park, filled with books. They often have a sign that reads, “Take a book, leave a book.” It’s a great way to give away books you no longer want and find a new one to read.

A group of ladies and a teen teamed together and started the Pagosa Little Free Library Project so that we could have several in our town as well. They are currently connecting with the Geothermal Greenhouse Partnership, the Pagosa Springs Parks and Recreation, and the Pagosa Lakes Property Owners Association to determine if and where might be the best places to place the little libraries around our community.

Their goal is to provide three libraries downtown, and three uptown.

Cindy Schultz, senior planner with the Town of Pagosa Springs, connected us with Tor Hessman, who teaches construction and building trade techniques at the Pagosa Springs High School. Tor thought it would be a good project for the students and they are currently building five.

The lumber was donated by Ponderosa Lumber.

We are hopefully connecting with local artists to paint the libraries as they are completed so that they are fun, attractive and last in our Pagosa weather.

Help promote literacy, creativity, and fun. Reading is fun!

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