LETTER: Protecting Our Human Rights From Government Overreach

Do the people living within the several states of America have a legitimate lawfully operating government? Has sufficient evidence been gathered and presented that major irregularities occurred during the 2020 federal elections? From the viewpoint of local Archuleta County residents, who presented massive amounts of evidence in county court, and state appeals court of election law violation by local government employees, before and during the 2014 countywide elections, without a doubt, crimes at the federal level have occurred, and the actual evidence is not being openly, honestly, and publicly addressed by members of the BAR Association, who hold government employee positions.

Members of the Democratic party have seized control of the federal Legislative and Executive branches of government. Does that mean the people of the several states have a legitimate federal government?

Now that Democrats have seized control of the United States corporation, let’s take a look at the crimes against humanity they are committing. Article 2 of the Constitution of the United States of America delegates four specific powers to the office of the President. Violating the basic human rights of the people in the several states, under some pretended authority, is not one of them. Any Executive Order issuing from the office of the President of the United States corporation does not apply to any United States national, but they would apply to all United States corporation employees and contractors.

In 1947, in Nuremberg Germany, American judges held the “Doctors’ Trials” at the end of World War II. To strengthen the Hippocratic oath, the Nuremberg Code was created to protect individual human rights and dignity in connection with medical care and development of medicine and its associated practices.

In 2005, the Universal Declaration on Bioethics and Human Rights was created by UNESCO, further protecting human rights and dignity when it comes to practice of medicine.

Would a nationwide vaccination mandate violate the basic tenants of the Hippocratic oath, Nuremberg Code or the Universal Declaration on Bioethics and Human Rights?

Let’s begin a nationwide, open, honest, public discussion.

Greg Giehl
Pagosa Springs, CO

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