LETTER: An Appeal to Pagosa’s Church Leaders

This is a letter to all the Pastors and Church leaders who closed their doors, and those who may still have their church doors closed.

This past year has been a test of endurance, strength, and wisdom amidst this pandemic. Businesses had to close down, some forever. People shut themselves in their homes and lost their jobs because they were ‘nonessential’. Since when does the Government tell us who and what is nonessential? When the state told everyone to lock down, everyone complied. Even the local churches. I was disappointed to know that they closed their doors for worship. Did they forget that, in times of darkness, they are the light that guides lost ones to God’s open arms? In times of darkness, the church is the light up on the hill.

Paul, in Ephesians, was very clear about what the duties are of the church and their responsibilities. The church’s duties are to unify the people through the word of God. The Pastors responsibility is to keep the house of God open and preach his word. When they closed their doors the devil won. The devil erupted in joy for he was able to cut God’s people off from his physical house.

Pastors, please remember there has been a war waging for our entire lifetimes combined. Please do not falter now.

Church leaders must rise up to encourage people to keep their faith. Pastors must reach out to those who are alone and seeking God to come to his house and worship.

As someone who is trying to find her path back to God, I haven’t found a community to encourage my connection with God. I haven’t found people to discuss scripture. I haven’t found a place to worship because they closed their doors like cowards, deceived by deceitful men.

Did they forget their armor? The armor that God provided them with? The breastplate of righteousness, the buckle of truth, the shield of faith, and with feet fitted with the readiness that comes from the gospel of peace. God has equipped them with everything they need.

I urge any Pastor or church leader who reads this, to open their bible to Ephesians 6:10-20. Remember the armor of God.

Sara Cole
Pagosa Springs, CO

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