Colorado Submits COVID Vaccination Plan to CDC

The Colorado Department of Public Health and Environment (CDPHE) has submitted its COVID-19 Vaccination Plan to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) for review and feedback.

You can download the draft plan here. (Large file)

Colorado, along with other states and jurisdictions, was required to submit its plan by Oct. 16. This initial plan will evolve as more infor- mation about the vaccine becomes available and work with stakeholders continues.

“Vaccine deployment extends far beyond public health,” said Jill Hunsaker Ryan, executive director, CDPHE. “The department, with support from the Colorado Depart- ment of Public Safety, convened a multiagency, multi-sector team to focus on receiving and distribut- ing a COVID-19 vaccine. We want to recognize the many agencies and organizations that informed our planning and thank them for their partnership and guidance. We look forward to working with more stakeholders so we can continue improving the plan.”

The plan includes information on how Colorado will implement a phased approach to distributing an FDA-approved COVID-19 vaccine. Because the initial supply of vaccine is expected to be very limited, it will be distributed first to people most at risk for COVID-19, such as health care workers, first responders, and staff/residents of long-term care facilities and nursing homes.

From the draft plan:

Phase 1: Potentially Limited Doses Available

In the beginning, it is anticipated that COVID-19 vaccine supply will be constrained and vaccine administration efforts will be tightly focused on initial critical populations. As a result, Colorado will concentrate its early COVID-19 vaccination efforts on initial critical populations which may include:

  • Healthcare personnel likely to be exposed to or treat people with COVID -19;
  • People at increased risk for severe illness from COVID-19, including those with underlying medical conditions and adults 65 years of age and older; and
  • Others as indicated on the “ Phase Categories and Corresponding Members” list

Colorado assumes that initial vaccine allocations will not be sufficient to immunize all Phase 1 critical populations and that additional granularity within critical populations groups will be necessary. Colorado will align its phased vaccination approach with federal efforts as closely as possible while still accounting for Colorado-specific considerations. Colorado will follow local recommendations to address vaccine scarcity within critical population groups…

The CDPHE received an additional $3.1 million in funding from the CDC specifically to help with COVID-19 vaccine planning and implementation. The state will use some funds, but allocate most funds to local public health agencies and the two tribal nations in Colorado.

The CDPHE is committed to distributing a safe and effective vaccine and to working closely with local public health agencies, health care providers and other partners to distribute the vaccine as equitably and efficiently as possible.

Read Colorado’s COVID-19 Vaccination Plan as submitted to the CDC.

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