Colorado Author Publishes ‘Grief Guidebook’

In these days of turmoil, sickness, even death from the Covid-19 pandemic, Fort Morgan, Colorado author, Shari Howard McMinn, has published her fourth book, Death: Where is Thy Sting? Recovery from the Loss of Our Loved Ones and Preparation for Our Own Final Days.

This engaging resource quickly climbed to “#1 New Release” status in multiple categories on its debut weekend in August.

Having experienced three tragic deaths of immediate family members during the past two decades, McMinn wrote her user-friendly, “reads like a novel” grief guidebook to comfort and encourage others as they trek the dark journey of death. With her practical strategies, readers can slowly but surely move forward through grief recovery or death preparation.

McMinn, at 62, is still raising and homeschooling the two youngest of her eleven children. An adoption and homeschooling advocate, she is also an author, editor, farmwife, homemaker, public speaker, and volunteer in her church and community. Twenty-some years ago, she retired from her two-decade career as a commercial Interior Designer to homeschool her children and spend more time with her beloved husband, Cary. Simultaneously, the family left their urban life near downtown Denver, and purchased a remote farm in eastern Colorado to benefit from an agrarian lifestyle.

Widowed unexpectedly in June of 2013 — with five minor children still at home and a farm to manage — McMinn turned to writing as a means to cope with her arduous life. As a working, “only” parent, she writes non-fiction and enjoys public speaking on a variety of topics related to modern families, including adoption, entrepreneurism, frugal living, homeschooling, self-reliance, and now, dealing with death.

The author states, “Death is the most confusing, frustrating, and devastating reality any of us will ever experience. Whether you are waking up to the facts of your own mortality, or are trudging through life with immense agony after losing someone you loved, nothing can, or will ever have the same lasting effects on your views of life and eternity as coming face-to-face with death’s dark door. Now is the time to redefine your sense of hope and set a meaningful course for a joyful future.”

An early reviewer shares:

“One of the most helpful books you will ever read dealing with the difficult topics of death and dying. If you have been touched by tragedy, you absolutely must read this powerful treasure trove of honest emotions and humble guidance! Death, Where is Thy Sting? is a different path taken from the well-beaten track of Christian books on death, eternity, and grief recovery. In this heartfelt self-help/memoir/griever’s expose she accomplishes what few writers have: a candid balance of naked soul-bearing matched with genuinely practical advice and counsel for those mourning their loved one’s passing. She is extremely self-deprecating and wastes no time with any false piety. A self-described ‘farm wife’ turned avid writer, her style is so conversational you might find yourself sitting at her dining room table by the time your next weekend pulls around! Her background may be common, and frankly humble, but her experiences and depth of wisdom belong in the annals of Christian sainthood.”

McMinn looks forward to broadcast interviews and presentations on her book. For more information or to schedule her to speak at your community group’s next event, visit her website,

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