HMPRESENTLY: Huh? Removed Without Cause?

In the motion by a Pagosa Springs Town Council member, during a meeting last week, to remove without cause a member of the Town Planning Commission… when you think about the words — remove without cause – what do they actually mean?

I can’t help being wonky about words. That’s in my DNA, having been in the communications business for several decades. So, hearing that someone was being removed without cause — Bill Hudson, a volunteer serving the community — when you’re wonky, those words seem rather confusing.

So I looked them up. I’ve heard the term, remove without cause, used, occasionally, over the years, but realized I wasn’t that familiar with the meaning of the term.

Basically, in dictionary definitions, remove without cause describes “the action of forcing a person out of an official position in a company or organization when they have not done anything illegal or against… regulations.”

Does that make sense? Really?

Removing someone without cause?

Harvey Radin

Harvey Radin

Harvey Radin is former senior vice president in charge of corporate communications and media relations, Bank of America Western Region. He makes his home in Redwood City, CA.