LETTER: Let Us Live

Please stop the insanity and let us live!

It was an obtuse discussion full of compassion for the younger aged during the present pandemic situation in the United States. The author tried to reason and believes that the young should live and be free and folic without masks or social distancing with play dates galore and let the older set sacrifice their lives. This is insanity! I for one am a twenty year cancer survivor and embrace these past years and want to experience 20 more years of living on this beautiful Earth, but when a person’s opinion such as Kathleen Galloway’s June 24 Daily Post letter “Stop the Insanity”, one sees that these individuals are not understanding humanity and the human will to live and survive. All humans have that will and just because you may have a compromised immune system, pre-existing condition or are reaching those senior years, does not indicate that it is time to give it all up .

My husband and I are seniors; enjoy our lives fully even during these fretful times; however, we are concerned about the lack of understanding of others who believe that the children or younger folks do not have the resilience, or innovation, or imaginations to sustain through these tough times, when in fact the author is selling the youth short on their capabilities. It surely looks like those adults who are the complainers about following sound medical advice to social distancing, wearing of face coverings, and limiting one’s exposure to those who may be carriers are actually the ones who cannot handle the present dire situation we are all experiencing.

Perhaps they believe they can use kids and politics as an excuse to not protect themselves and others? Our country, and certainly not those who are alive now, have never experienced a viral pandemic of this nature in the past 100 years and thus, it is new territory for all of us and we all have much to learn.

Fear mongering?

Noun: fear-mongering; the action of deliberately arousing public fear or alarm about a particular issue.

This, as in the medical communities’ advisory alerts of the many problems in understanding this new virus, is no true “fear mongering” in the sense of causing harm. In fact, the alerting of the public on this health issue is for protecting the public, educating the public, advising the public, and hopefully brings some common sense to those who are in need of an education on the real health issue. After reading and hearing such opinions that believe that the measures taken to stop the spread of this virus are too heavy handed, we believe it is these individuals that are the real issue and are the cause of spreading of the virus by their denial of science and knowledge of human spirit. Hypothetically, it seems to us, if given the situation to live or to die, as if you were diagnosed with a fatal disease, you would choose to live if given the chance. This is true human nature and no one has the right to suggest that some else’s life is more valuable than yours.

May we all live a healthy and prosperous life and truly respect other’s lives and do all we can do to prevent others from becoming ill. That is pure love for all, not just certain segments of the population, but for all our neighbors.

Pamela and Michael Kostin
Pagosa Springs, CO

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