HMPRESENTLY: Present and Past

From the Quincy, MA Patriot Ledger newspaper… some commentary I’d written on September 20, 2012:

“Conservative politicians in their campaign rhetoric and advertising talk, talk, talk about religious values and family values, but have little to say about declining values and ethical standards in business?

“You just don’t hear much, if any, discussion of business ethics when Conservative Republicans or Blue Dog Democrats talk in the media. If you Google or Yahoo online, you’ll get lots of hits when you enter such search terms as – Republicans and Christian values or Democrats and family values, but you get few, if any, hits when you key in: ‘Republicans and business values…’ or ‘Democrats and business ethics…’ perhaps the business ethics issue simply isn’t that compelling in a wink-and-nod society that often rewards those who do not play by the rules.

“But what if the erosion of values in business is a big deal? Particularly as more people question the nation’s role and standing in a changing world.”

I transcribed these excerpts from a photo of the Patriot Ledger article I’d taken several years ago — commentary I’d written — because I only had a tear sheet of page six, where the article originally appeared. (I couldn’t find it online.)

With various current events in mind, I thought about the Patriot Ledger opinion piece.

Harvey Radin

Harvey Radin

Harvey Radin is former senior vice president in charge of corporate communications and media relations, Bank of America Western Region. He makes his home in Redwood City, CA.