For those who like to get out and scoot their boots, multiple concerts are also offered…
Category: Community
LOCAL FOOD HERO: Mollie Wells from Rio Grande Dairy
“Due to lack of grazing, and high hay prices, goats are more economical for our farm…”
LIBRARY NEWS: Mermaid Parade Celebrates End of Summer Reading Program
We will be celebrating the end of our highly successful Summer Reading Program with a fun, free all-ages mermaid parade and small party on Friday, READ MORE
Tourism Board Seeking Applicants for At-Large Vacancy
The Pagosa Springs Area Tourism Board is a volunteer committee that advises the Town of Pagosa Springs and Archuleta County…
Archuleta County Fair Begins August 4
Animals, raised by local 4-H members, will be on display in the Hughes Pavilion throughout the fair…
LOCAL FOOD HEROES: Lois & Allan Higgins of GrassRoots Meat
“In 2003 we launched the GrassRoots label in an effort to supply our beef and lamb (and now chicken, pork and duck) on a larger scale…”
Pagosa Farmers Market Playing a Role in Local Food Production Efforts
The Pagosa Farmers Market provides a venue where local food can be offered directly to the customer, with benefit to producer, consumer and community…
LIBRARY NEWS: Shark Ecology Talk… Children’s Concert… Escape Room Fun…
Professional musician Steve Weeks will perform in a fun children’s concert that will include dancing, singing and laughing…
Healthy Archuleta to Host Community Meal & Celebration This Saturday, July 23
All are welcome to participate in the event and to join in the many activities of the celebration…
‘A Tribute to Patsy Cline’ to Raise Funds for Vista Lake Community Garden
The event will be held August 13, with dinner and garden tours from 5:30 to 6:45pm, and the show at 7:15pm…
LIBRARY NEWS: Meet Judy Brennen, Your New Adult Services Technician
Judy has been a lifelong champion of reading for pleasure and knowledge throughout her careers of academic advising, counseling, teaching and coaching…
‘Healthy Archuleta’ to Host Community Meal, Celebration on July 23
Community members will enjoy the music of Los Mitotitos, folklorico performances, health booths, children’s activities…
Take the Main Street Community Survey
To become an official Main Street community, local volunteers are needed to serve on an Advisory Board…
LOCAL FOOD HEROES: Alice Chavez & Rose Chavez of Huerta Alegre
For my mother’s part, she has been gardening every year since we moved into this house on Lewis Street some 30 years ago…
Enjoy the ‘Library Speakers Consortium’ This Thursday
The Library Speakers consortium is a partnership of public libraries working together to expand access to best-selling author talks…
Tickets Available Soon for Fifth Annual ‘Dancing with the Pagosa Stars’
This year, we are thrilled to announce that The Tim Sullivan Band will be playing live during open dancing…
Gardening Beds Still Available in New Vista Lake Community Garden
We will focus on a variety of plants that can still grow to maturity over the next few months…
Club 20 Schedules July Meetings in Durango and Rangely
The summer meetings are broken into two segments and the first segment will be held in Durango…