Fuels treatments such as mowing, mastication, chipping, and hand thinning are being proposed on up to 1,600 acres…
Category: Environment/Recreation
Early Registration for ‘Pagosa Duathlon’ Ends Tomorrow
For a more challenging course, the Dirty Du begins with a 6-mile trail run, followed by a 15-mile bike…
‘Great Outdoors Colorado’ Distributing Free Wildflower Seeds
“The Western Bumblebee population has declined in Colorado by 72%, and we’re calling on kids across Colorado to Bee the Change…”
Register Now for ‘Alberta Peak Challenge’ 4 Mile & 12 Mile Trail Races
Conquer the climb at the Alberta Peak Challenge and you’ll be rewarded with stunning 360-degree views of the San Juan Mountains…
Outdoor Industry Calls on Congress to Address Abandoned Mine Cleanups
“Everything from commercial river recreation to rafting, kayaking, to wildlife viewing, hunting, fishing… depends on the waters that course through our streams and rivers…”
Reintroduced Gray Wolves in Colorado Starting Their Families?
Colorado Parks and Wildlife has confirmed successful reproduction in its gray wolf reintroduction efforts in the state…
One project will reduce deferred maintenance and replace campground site amenities at Williams Creek Campground…
Sweitzer Lake State Park to Host Wakeboarding Championship June 28-29
“There are some really talented people wakeboarding in this event, and we are excited to welcome everyone participating…”
Weminuche Audubon Society to Hold Annual Meeting Tomorrow, June 19
We are al ways looking for volunteers to help with the varied projects that we are involved in…
Annual ‘Red Ryder Roundup’ Rodeo Set for July 4-6
This multi-state sanctioned rodeo series features amateur cowboys and cowgirls from various states competing for prizes and prize money…
Changes Coming for Falls Creek Conservation Area
Formerly known as the Falls Creek Archaeological Area, this valley is located 3 miles north of Durango on the San Juan National Forest…
Colorado Environmental Groups Plan to Sue Suncor Refinery Over Air Pollution
The sprawling Suncor facility in Commerce City is Colorado’s only oil refinery and one of its largest single sources of air pollution…
What Birds Tells Us About the Forest
“There are more bird species in our surrounding forests than you would know from a casual walk…”
BIG PIVOTS: Geothermal Seeds, Sprinkled Across Colorado, Part One
Geothermal grants totaling $7.7 million to 35 projects seek to push along efforts. What role will this have in the energy transition?
‘Free Fishing’ in Colorado This Weekend, June 1 & 2
On June 1 & 2, the fishing license and Habitat Stamp requirement will be waived, allowing anyone interested in fishing to try it out…
Application Period Now Open for Opportunity to Hunt Lone Mesa State Park
Hunters once again have the opportunity to apply for a unique hunting experience this year in southwest Colorado…
Boaters, Be Prepared for Inspections when Traveling to Colorado
Aquatic nuisance species such as zebra and quagga mussels wreak havoc on ecosystems, outdoor recreation, and the economy…
BIG PIVOTS: Mysteries of a Disappearing Snowpack, Part Two
“You’re trying to predict the future based on how conditions played with each other in the past,” explains Osenga…