The festival includes expert-led crane- and hawk-viewing tours, adventures to unique natural areas in the San Luis Valley, wildlife presentations, nature movies and a kid’s coloring contest…
Category: Environment/Recreation
Youth Volleyball, Adult Soccer, T-Ball Registration
The Recreation Department is accepting youth volleyball registration for the 9-10 and 11-12 age group through February 24…
Colorado State Forest Service Adds New Forester in Pagosa Springs
“I feel that taking care of our forest ecosystems is something we can all be a part of: Healthy forests mean healthy communities….”
‘Woof Creek’ Sled Dog Races in South Fork, Valentine’s Weekend
Though Siberian Huskies are traditionally used in dog sledding, Woof Creek spectators could see everything from hounds and Rottweilers to pointers, poodles and boxers…
Elk Management Meeting Scheduled for Pagosa Springs
In an effort to give people an opportunity to learn about elk management and provide input, CPW is conducting separate public meetings…
OPINION: ‘Lake Erie Bill of Rights’ Heads Into Federal Court
“This court challenge is only the latest instance in a long series of attempts to ensure that the people do not have the means or legal tools to confront the wealthy and the powerful…”
Local Appreciation Day at Wolf Creek This Wednesday
Wednesday, January 29, is a Local Appreciation Day at Wolf Creek Ski Area. Lift tickets will be $54 for adults, $36 for seniors…
More Fresh Powder at Wolf Creek Ski Area
This Saturday, January 25, is the first race of Wolf Creek’s Giant Slalom Race Challenge Series. The 40+ gate Giant Slalom will take place on middle and lower Charisma…
San Juan Stargazers to Consider Hubble’s Legacy… and Beyond
The next big step is to image extrasolar planets, but that will have to wait until the successor to the Hubble, the James Webb Space Telescope is successfully launched…
‘United Way Ski Day’ at Wolf Creek
Today, Wednesday January 15, is United Way Day at Wolf Creek Ski Area. Lift tickets will be $65 for adults with a portion of the READ MORE
‘Ride the Rockies’ Announces Durango Start & Finish
“Riders seeking a little extra challenge should sign up for the Ride the Rockies ‘Prologue’, which starts in downtown Durango and heads east toward Pagosa Springs…”
Bicycle Enthusiasts Kick Off Winter Programs This Friday, Jan. 18
Kick off the winter fun this Friday at the Pagosa Climbing Initiative ‘Cabin Fever Festival. where DUST2 will be hosting bike trainer competition…
‘Sage Hen’ Motorized Trail Project Canceled
The Bald and Golden Eagle Protection Act prohibits anyone, without a permit issued by the Secretary of the Interior, from “taking” eagles…
PHOTO ESSAY: Birds Count
Our preliminary findings from this year show that, while we logged 62 bird species, overall bird numbers are lower than the past two years…
National Forests Plans Pile Burns Along Fosset Gulch Road
These piles were generated from forest thinning projects to improve forest health, resiliency, and mitigate wildfire risk….
Mark Your Calendar for the 2020 Crane Festival
This year’s keynote speaker is Colorado-based historian and Theodore Roosevelt re-enactor Kurt Skinner, who whisks audiences of all ages back to a time when the former president imprinted on Americans a love of the natural world…
Wolf Creek Ski Area Sees 30 Inches of Fresh Powder
Wolf Creek Ski Area is 100% open with all lifts operating from 8:30am to 4:00pm.
Advocacy Groups Celebrate Key Step Towards Climate Goals, Cleaner Air
“Since air knows no political boundaries, any source of air pollution in Colorado is of concern to all citizens who want their families to breathe clean air….”