The race course was immaculately groomed with the new snow from the storm last week which, along with the cooler days, made the base almost perfect for racing…
Category: Environment/Recreation
Citizens Invited to Help Prioritize ‘Water Enhancement’ Projects
A draft list of projects and actions within the San Juan, Blanco and Navajo watersheds is available for review and feedback on the WEP’s website…
Annual Festival in Monte Vista Celebrates Sandhill Cranes, March 11-13
Thousands of sandhill cranes are making their annual spring migration and stopping over in southern Colorado in a spectacle not to be missed. Along with READ MORE
BEFORE THE FIRE: Protecting the Waters of the West Watershed Summit
On March 24 and 25, Club 20, an organization representing communities on the western slope of Colorado, will host a Watershed Summit in Grand Junction…
Yamaguchi Skate Park Open House Tomorrow, March 9
The Parks and Recreation Department will be holding an open house on March 9, from 6 to 7:30pm at the Ross Aragon Community Center to gather input from the community about Phase 3…
Colorado Parks & Wildlife Launches New Smartphone App
‘My CPW’ makes purchasing CPW products even easier and allows customers to carry and show proof of purchase of many annual and daily products…
Wolf Creek Ski Area Gifted with 48 Inches of Fresh Powder Snow
The storm moved in Monday evening delivering double digit accumulations allowing for skiers and snowboarders to enjoy days of deep powder turns…
‘Future of Snow & Water in a Changing Climate’ Webinar Tomorrow, February 25
Carolyn says if recreationalists have floated the Rio Chama, it is most likely the section between El Vado Dam and Abiquiu Reservoir…
Southwestern Water Conservation District Announces 38th ‘Southwest Water Seminar’
How do we keep agricultural producers in business, protect the environment, provide water for our communities, and maintain water-based recreational opportunities?
Six Inches of Fresh Powder at Wolf Creek… More on the Way?
Six inches of fresh powder fell in the southern San Juan Mountains at Wolf Creek Ski Area! The fast paced storm broke the dry weather pattern and will hopefully be one of a few upcoming storms…
February 25 Webinar Will Focus on 2022 Fire Outlook
If we can learn anything from these devastating fires throughout the West, it is that forest health is imperative for water users…
OPINION: Wild Horses Can Help Prevent Forest Fires
The loss of human life, wildlife and destruction of land and property is now in the billions every year due to wildfires…
Latest CPW Grants Support Seven Wildlife Rehabilitation Centers
“This year’s awards represent a mix of immediate funding needs for day-to-day operations such as food and medical care, as well as longer-term investment in new and upgraded facilities for injured wildlife…”
Intelligent Water Systems Challenge Launched To Help Utilities Find Solutions
For the Intelligent Water Systems Challenge, teams assemble from utilities, engineering firms, technology companies, and universities and then work to develop innovative solutions for specific scenarios…
Conservation Groups Question Forest Service Transparency
In 2020, a federal court overturned the Prince of Wales project on the Tongass National Forest in Alaska, rejecting the Forest Service’s attempt to use condition-based management…
Mule Deer Foundation Adds Sagebrush Partnership Coordinator
Jamie Nogle will be working with the Bureau of Land Management and Intermountain West Joint Venture as the sagebrush partnership coordinator in Grand Junction…
Fort Lewis Graduate to Present on Plant Diversity Tonight, Jan. 25 via Zoom
The Colorado Native Plant Society a non-profit organization dedicated to furthering the knowledge, appreciation and conservation of native plants…
Colorado Parks and Wildlife Seeks Applicants for Wetland Habitat Restoration
“Wetlands are so important. They comprise less than 2 percent of Colorado’s landscape, but provide benefits to over 75 percent of the species in the state…”