Right here, right below, is the first draft, with parenthetical notes about… let’s call it, ‘the anatomy of a strategic plan’…
Category: News/Politics
EDITORIAL: Clean Drinking Water, Considered, Part Three
The truth is difficult to get at, when we’re faced with apparently contradictory evidence. Are we really in the midst of a megadrought that will last for decades? Are we actually just wasting our limited water resources in a careless, devil-may-care manner?…
OPINION: Slow-Walking to the End to Mass Incarceration
Mass incarceration exacerbates the health consequences of the coronavirus pandemic because of unsanitary conditions of confinement and an inability to physically distance…
Colorado Becomes Only US State with Updated Automatic Voter Registration System
Colorado has a proud tradition of leading the nation in voter access and participation,” said Senate Majority Leader Fenberg…
EDITORIAL: Clean Drinking Water, Considered, Part Two
Under the “Irrigation” tab, we can find the amount of water that USGS believes was used for that purpose in Archuleta County in 2015…
OPINION: America, in the Balance
‘We the People’ are battling a catastrophic pandemic ‒ over 90,000 deaths so far ‒ and Trump is talking about ‘Obamagate’?…
EDITORIAL: Clean Drinking Water, Considered, Part One
“The purpose of the Dry Gulch Reservoir Project is to provide adequate water for the health and welfare of the Districts’ constituents due to unprecedented growth within their boundaries….”
HMPRESENTLY: C’mon! Get Your Badass On!
So, right here, right now, I’m unveiling ‘BADASS DEMS FOR AMERICA’. Imagine those big, bold words on campaign posters and lawn signs….
OPINION: The Dangerous Consequences of Bias
By Wim Laven It must be said upfront: not all bias is bad — some biases are essentially heuristics, shortcuts that help us process patterns READ MORE
EDITORIAL: Contact Tracing, For Fun and Profit
Archuleta County has been surprisingly free of infections — only 8 confirmed cases and no reported fatalities — but we assume that travelers from other parts of the country could easily bring new infections with them…
EDITORIAL: The Impending Vaccine Troubles, Part Seven
“I must warn, there is also the possibility of negative consequences, where certain vaccines can actually enhance the negative effects of the infection…”
Senators Mount Effort to Ensure Financial Assistance for Those Enrolled in ACA Exchange Plans
“The last thing families should be worried about when collecting unemployment insurance is the possibility of losing their health coverage or not having access to it during a pandemic…”
EDITORIAL: The Impending Vaccine Troubles, Part Six
It then turned out the DTaP vaccine was less effective than the DPT vaccine. In fact, the CDC now reports that the pertussis vaccine does not confer immunity at all…
Activists Oppose ‘River Killer’ Tax
“Any new high elevation dams do more harm to the environment, wetlands and watersheds than benefits….”
EDITORIAL: The Impending Vaccine Troubles, Part Five
One of the expert speakers at the 2019 WHO Summit, quoted in the video, notes that ‘antigens’ are not the main cause of vaccine side effects. That honor falls to the adjuvants…
EDITORIAL: The Impending Vaccine Troubles, Part Four
I had watched the movie trailer before dinner… and when I went back later that evening to review some of Ms. Mikovits’ statements and accusations, the video was disabled…
EDITORIAL: The American West Reopens, Slowly
The ‘reopening dates’ are a bit more definite, but ‘reopening’ in Georgia doesn’t necessarily mean the same thing as ‘reopening’ in Colorado…
HMPRESENTLY: Takin’ it to The Bot
Could second graders trying to decipher a Trump tweet be in the driver’s seat?