“I have great faith in the voters of Colorado to make the right choice for our state in November and hope all Coloradans will join me in voting to return wolves to Colorado’s high country…”
Category: News/Politics
OPINION: We Have 79 Days
At a minimum, the Senate and the House of Representatives should immediately return to Washington to fully fund our elections and the US Postal Service, overriding the president if required…
EDITORIAL: County Commissioners Making Questionable Public Health Decisions?
“I recently read with some dismay that Archuleta County Commissioners Schaaf and Maez are considering pulling us out of San Juan Basin Public Health (SJBPH)…”
HMPRESENTLY: No ‘De Joy,’ So To Speak?
In the run-up to what may be the most important election of our time – during a pandemic! – these changes, apparently, at the Postmaster General’s direction, are extremely concerning…
Governor Polis Extends Mask Mandate to September 13
Everyone over 10 years old must wear a face covering over their nose and mouth while inside public indoor spaces, including businesses, and while waiting for public transportation…
School District Seeking Board Applicants for Vacant District 1 Seat
To be eligible to fill the vacancy, a candidate must be a registered elector of the school district and a resident of director Precinct 1…
Colorado Selected to Improve ‘Impaired Driving’ Data
In 2018, a CDC report found that 20.5 million Americans age 16 and older reported driving under the influence of alcohol…
San Juan Water Conservancy District ‘ZOOM’ Meeting Tonight
Due to the CDC and CDPHE recommendations regarding COVID – 19, the meeting will be held via Zoom, and the public is welcome to participate….
Two Western Slope Wildfires Continue to Grow
A pair of major wildfires on Colorado’s Western Slope have spread rapidly in recent days and are expected to continue to grow on Wednesday amid extremely hot, dry and windy conditions…
EDITORIAL: COVID and the Power of Anecdotal Stories, Part One
“…If only 6000 are dead out of five million infected, that works out to a case fatality rate of 0.12 percent, roughly the same as regular old influenza, which no one is the least bit frightened of, and which we don’t shut down our societies for…”
Colorado Grapples with Unemployment
“Based upon the economic conditions of the state of Colorado, and actually, this has happened nationwide, we have triggered what’s called state extended benefits, or SEB…”
OPINION: Secretary of State Griswold Statement on Postal Service Funding
“The President stated that he’s withholding US Postal Service funding to prevent vote by mail. This is voter suppression…”
Colorado Enacts Garnishment Moratorium in Response to COVID-19
Effective June 29, 2020, Colorado has enacted a new law implementing a temporary moratorium on “extraordinary” debt collection activities…
EDITORIAL: Looking into the Town Government’s Crystal Ball, Part Eleven
We could blame Pagosa’s economic shutdown on the Polis administration’s health orders. But we could also note that the Archuleta County population is much older, on average, than most of Colorado…
HMPRESENTLY: Have a Wonderful Communications Day!
I did not know this. There is a National Kumquat Day in America, along with the many other national days we hear about, and sometimes READ MORE
Colorado Congressional Delegation Expresses Concern Over Census Decision
“We urge you to extend the statutory deadlines for the delivery of apportionment data and redistricting files following the 2020 Census in the next coronavirus (COVID-19) relief package…”
EDITORIAL: Looking into the Town Government’s Crystal Ball, Part Ten
The design of these relatively small homes could be categorized as “21st Century No-Frills Affordable.” Except that few working class jobs in Pagosa Springs — especially, jobs in the tourism industry — would qualify an individual for a $232,000 mortgage…
VP Pick Kamala Harris Once Clashed with Biden on Education Issues
This article by Matt Barnum first appeared on Chalkbeat.org on August 11, 2020 Former Vice President Joe Biden announced California Sen. Kamala Harris as his READ MORE