Can’t remember the last time I had the barbecue going, out back at our place in California. There’s been so much smoke from wildfires…
Category: News/Politics
Colorado Seeks Feedback on Ski Area Guidance
The Colorado Department of Public Health and Environment (CDPHE) is seeking feedback on newly drafted ski guidance by this Friday, October 16…
EDITORIAL: A Little Nitrogen in the Water? Part Two
When PAWSD recently renewed its waste water discharge permit, “they told us… oh, by the way, you now have to meet Regulation 85…”
CLIMATE INACTION: How Colorado’s ‘Clean Energy’ Push Fell Short, Part Six
“To some extent, the AQCC is at the mercy of staff. And if they don’t have the staff, or they don’t have the time to get something done, then it’s going to get delayed…”
Center of Southwest Studies to Host Virtual Lecture on ‘Life of Buffalo Bill’
Historian and author Steve Friesen will share a timeline of William F. “Buffalo Bill” Cody’s life and legacy, illuminated by stories and historic photographs…
Colorado River District ‘7A’ Ballot Measure is Seriously Flawed
First, the ballot question, and uses of the money, are completely vague. No actual projects are identified in the question…
OPINION: A Voice for the World’s People
A Global Week of Action for a World Parliament will occur from October 16 to 25. I urge you to register your support for this idea to spread democracy to the global level…
EDITORIAL: County Commissioners Budgeting Zero Property Tax Dollars for Roads, Part Three
The photo I used to illustrate this editorial dates from 2018. The presenter was Finance Director Larry Walton, and the outlook wasn’t entirely sunny…
EDITORIAL: Speculators Buying Up Colorado Water Rights? Part Seventeen
“How do you strike that balance? Where individuals use or benefit from this resource, but because it’s a resource ‘of the people’ and is necessary to all life, it’s important to make sure it’s available to everyone…”
CLIMATE INACTION: How Colorado’s ‘Clean Energy’ Push Fell Short, Part Five
In a letter sent to Polis and AQCC commissioners in February, the coalition warned that Colorado was “far off track” from meeting its new goals…
‘Law Enforcement Champions’ Announced by CDOT and MADD
“We are grateful to the brave men and women in law enforcement who keep our roads and communities safe, even during ever-changing circumstances like a global pandemic and unprecedented wildfires…”
LETTER: Trump and the Military
“Why should I go to that cemetery? It’s filled with losers,” he said about our fallen soldiers…
EDITORIAL: County Commissioners Budgeting Zero Property Tax Dollars for Roads, Part Two
“So, we’ve got enough money right now to start and finish a one-courtroom courthouse, but we will continue to seek grants until we get to a three-courtroom courthouse…”
CLIMATE INACTION: How Colorado’s ‘Clean Energy’ Push Fell Short, Part Four
I find myself with a sense of urgency that wants to push us to go faster,” agreed commissioner Elise Jones. “My understanding is that the gap we’re trying to make up is pretty significant….”
EDITORIAL: Speculators Buying Up Colorado Water Rights? Part Sixteen
“So, we’ve talked about property rights. We’ve talked about flexibility, and a program that allows for uses. We’ve talked about conditional water rights. One of the things that [the term] ‘speculation’ brings to mind for me, is “price” and ‘use’…”
HMPRESENTLY: Weekend Follies
But, all of a sudden on Saturday, there they were, on giant big rigs, in one of those military parades… in North Korea…
Habitat for Humanity Chooses ‘Legislators of the Year’
“As our country and state look at advancing racial equity, we need more policy makers like Representative Bird and Senator Coram to prioritize affordable homeownership to help decrease the wealth gap…”
LETTER: Are We Better Off?
The rich get richer… but we can vote them out…