We now have yet another law firm involved in the Town’s ongoing negotiations with Pagosa Area Water and Sanitation District (PAWSD) over the poorly-written 2012 IGA…
Category: News/Politics
EDITORIAL: Concerning the Sewer Pipeline IGA, Part Two
And another thing was rather apparent: numerous key employees at PAWSD, who were used to hooking up 200-300 new homes every year to their water and sewer systems, were now without real work to do…
EDITORIAL: Concerning the Sewer Pipeline IGA, Part One
“Collins, Cockrel, Cole can sue me for slander; this is one of the most prominently miswritten agreements I’ve ever read for a large project. …”
EDITORIAL: The Secrets of the Sewer Pipeline, Part Three
We have a perpetual problem, here in Pagosa. Lack of transparency, too many secret meetings, and too many rushed decisions that open, public discussion could have greatly improved…
EDITORIAL: The Secrets of the Sewer Pipeline, Part Two
I really respect John Bozek… and when he asked repeatedly to view the IGA, many months in advance, and was never given a chance to review the document, I think that was a loss for all of us…
EDITORIAL: The Secrets of the Sewer Pipeline, Part One
Good question. Why are the taxpayers now being asked to fork out another $600,000? Is there no end to this mess?
ESSAY: What the EPA Really Said About Fracking
If you read the EPA draft Executive Summary, you may reach the same conclusion that I’ve come to. Fracking does not always poison drinking water supplies. Fracking does, in some cases, poison drinking water supplies…
EDITORIAL: A Few Idle Thoughts About a Housing Crisis, Part Five
Read Part One Let’s take this statement at face value, for the sake of argument: Governments can use their taxpayer revenues to somehow subsidize affordable READ MORE
EDITORIAL: A Few Idle Thoughts About a Housing Crisis, Part Four
‘But the reality of my profession is, that I come to my housing situation with an enormous student debt burden. Which means that I can’t afford to buy a home…’
EDITORIAL: A Few Idle Thoughts About a Housing Crisis, Part Three
So the final 2007 Chaffee County Housing Needs Assessment went, essentially, nowhere. As Mr. Reimer explained it, Chaffee County would need to fund a new Housing Needs Assessment in order to qualify for government grants…
EDITORIAL: A Few Idle Thoughts About a Housing Crisis, Part Two
In 2007, more than 8 out of 10 people thought our community — as it currently existed — was a ‘good.’ or even ‘excellent,’ place to live…
EDITORIAL: A Few Idle Thoughts About a Housing Crisis, Part One
The resulting 2008 report written by EPS noted that, in 2005, Archuleta County had a grand total of about 6,100 jobs…
School Board Looks at Next Year’s Budget, Part One
Amendment 23 isn’t the only constitutional provision that applies to the state budget. Among other things, the constitution requires a balanced state budget every year…
EDITORIAL: In and Out of Hot Water, Part Two
‘This is Pagosa’s little version of “Too Big to Fail.” We all have too much invested in it, emotionally; we all have too much money invested in it…’
Pagosa Charter School Group Celebrates Initial Planning Grant
With the funds from the Stage 1 Grant, our group plans to send each of our board members to at least one successful Colorado charter school to get a good picture of what is out there in terms of innovative public schools…
PAWSD Conjures $357 Million Project in Dry Gulch, Part Six
Then, perhaps we could put the proposed Dry Gulch project on the back burner for another ten to twenty years…
PAWSD Conjures $357 Million Project in Dry Gulch, Part Five
It put my mind at ease that the PAWSD water conservation expert thought there was room for improvement…
PAWSD Conjures $357 Million Project in Dry Gulch, Part Four
At last week’s presentation, however, the mysterious “safety supply margin” had inexplicably grown…