“I mean, our goal in doing the development thing to begin with is, we want downtown to work. It will take a lot for us to do either Sketch Plan A or Sketch Plan B…”
Category: News/Politics
ELECTION UPDATE: Maez, Wadley Win BOCC Seats; Minimum Wage Increased
Here in peaceful Archuleta County, the local election of 2016 was reasonably low key and mellow, without any big-ticket tax increases on the ballot…
Another Roadblock to Proposed ‘Justice Center’?
“In any case, it seems entirely premature to discuss lifting the restriction at a time when the issue is clearly undecided within the County on numerous fronts…”
EDITORIAL: Attorney Fees, Explained
“So, for what it’s worth, litigation — if you involve yourself in litigation, and if you are conscientious — you devote a lot of hours to it. You really do…”
EDITORIAL: A Secret Meeting… Revealed, Part Eight
“It’s our intent, Tracy, to be as involved in this as possible…”
EDITORIAL: A Secret Meeting… Revealed, Part Seven
“Between the two of you, right now, with the plans that you’re looking at — the hotels, the water parks, whatever — do you guys have the ability right now… to go ahead and launch this?”
EDITORIAL: A Secret Meeting… Revealed, Part Six
“We’re going to make sure this happens. That’s our contention. One way or another. We don’t have $150 million between us, so we need to bring other partners into this. And we will….”
EDITORIAL: A Secret Meeting… Revealed, Part Five
“And the town is in need of another hotel, a new hotel. We haven’t had a new hotel since the one Whittington did with the 32 rooms, but that’s all ‘upper end’…”
EDITORIAL: A Secret Meeting… Revealed, Part Four
This plan seemed acceptable to everyone… until the Whittington family walked away from the purchase of the vacant 27 acres. That was probably a sensible move on their part…
EDITORIAL: A Secret Meeting… Revealed, Part Three
“During the 40 years I’ve lived here, we’ve seen Pagosa get strung out from Highway 84 all the way out Highway 160, and we just missed doing something downtown…”
EDITORIAL: A Secret Meeting… Revealed, Part Two
“What is in the best interests of the town, long term, for traffic circulation? So if you want to do a Lease Purchase…”
EDITORIAL: A Secret Meeting… Revealed, Part One
“The third option is to consider, basically, what is called a Lease Purchase. And this is essentially the same mechanism that the Town used to finance Lewis Street…”
‘ColoradoCare Coffee’ with Senator Irene Aguilar Tomorrow at 8am
In November 2010, Dr. Aguilar made a decision to seek public office to advance the cause of universal health care…
EDITORIAL: The Price of Gravel, Part Four
“His ruling was that the plaintiffs’ request for an injunction was denied, based upon specific findings of fact that he articulated, on the record….”
EDITORIAL: The Price of Gravel, Part Three
“I think for anybody who really looks at this, the economics are staggering, as far as the benefits to Archuleta County…”
EDITORIAL: The Price of Gravel, Part Two
“We had signs on our fence — the one fence that we had — and those signs said, ‘Fishermen welcome, respect your privilege…”
EDITORIAL: The Price of Gravel, Part One
“The roads being considered have had significant degradation since the county began allowing truck traffic along Cascade Avenue, a steep and winding gravel road as well as Buttress Avenue, Meadows Blvd., and South Pagosa Blvd…”
EDITORIAL: Concerning the Sewer Pipeline IGA, Part Four
“… That PSSGID will need to institute legal action to require PAWSD to finish the pipeline, pay the costs it is obligated to pay for operations and maintenance, and accept PSSGID’s sewage until PSSGID can make other arrangements…”