But you might have made it through the first sentence, enough to know that the measure would increase Colorado taxes by $1.6 billion per year.
Category: News/Politics
EDITORIAL: A Bad Call… on the San Juan River? Part Two
So let’s pose the question. What, exactly, was the outcome sought by the CWCB in making a call on the San Juan River?…
EDITORIAL: A Bad Call… on the San Juan River? Part One
The “call” in question, on August 2, came from the Colorado Water Conservation Board, perhaps the largest water-related organization in the state…
EDITORIAL: Illegal Houses, Part Three
While the men — the sons and fathers — assembled the barn, the sisters and mothers worked in tandem to prepare a delicious lunch and dinner for everyone to share…
EDITORIAL: Illegal Houses, Part Two
“So, for one thing, we can’t even meet the minimum square footage required, and that doesn’t even take into account the need for a garage…”
EDITORIAL: Illegal Houses, Part One
So the units Steve and Jen are building are “legal.” At least, they’re legal here in downtown…
EDITORIAL: The Same Old Tax Increase Proposal, Part Nine
So we end up with roads that are falling apart, and with courthouses and schools and jails that, some people claim, are suitable only for demolition…
EDITORIAL: The Same Old Tax Increase Proposal, Part Eight
Every Colorado county is required to have a jail, under state law. But the law doesn’t specify any particular size of jail…
EDITORIAL: The Same Old Tax Increase Proposal, Part Seven
“And Brad said to me, ‘A 54-bed jail, you can build that for $10 or $11 million. You couldn’t build the office part, but you could build that jail…'”
EDITORIAL: The Same Old Tax Increase Proposal, Part Six
“The old jail at 34 beds is too small… In 2018, the average daily number of Archuleta County prisoners has been 23, which is near capacity…”
EDITORIAL: The Same Old Tax Increase Proposal, Part Five
“The thing that I’m worried about is that, if we’re spending County money, and the County says, ‘You’re not part of the County government; you’ve been disbanded’…
EDITORIAL: The Same Old Tax Increase Proposal, Part Four
Mr. Vihel explained to the Town Council members that, in the opinion of his committee, the 54-bed jail originally proposed in 2017 is still the very best plan for 2018….
EDITORIAL: The Same Old Tax Increase Proposal, Part Three
Some things, we can count on… to happen year after year…
EDITORIAL: The Same Old Tax Increase Proposal, Part Two
The actual ballot language that county voters considered last November did not promise anything about the design, size, or actual cost…
EDITORIAL: The Same Old Tax Increase Proposal, Part One
The most recent Archuleta County tax increase approved by the voters was an increase in the property tax, in 2006…
EDITORIAL: Cause of Death
“The investigation of a death by the Coroner’s Office… is done by an independent agency who does not work for the law enforcement agency…”
EDITORIAL: Let the Jail Campaign Begin, Part Three
Read Part One Back in Part One of this editorial series, last week, I quoted part of a July 17 conversation between the Archuleta Board READ MORE
EDITORIAL: Let the Jail Campaign Begin, Part Two
“And what Todd is explaining, is that it’s really easy, Richard. All we do is add a three digit code onto an invoice that comes in…”