“There’s a Zombie apocalypse going on up here. I’ve had drug lords from Mexico here. Tweakers. I mean, this has been the headquarters…”
Category: News/Politics
EDITORIAL: Time to Outlaw Poverty? Part Five
“I’m anxiously awaiting your opinions regarding the buckets of human feces placed neighboring properties, the toilet paper festooning the trees downwind…”
EDITORIAL: Time to Outlaw Poverty? Part Four
Archuleta County made it illegal to live year-round in a travel trailer, in 2010. The new regulations did not, however, provide any housing alternatives for families…
EDITORIAL: Time to Outlaw Poverty? Part Three
I’ve had a few brief conversations with Warren Goodman over the years, and I’ve come to understand he has evidence that the Aspen Springs area was once home to Hopi Indians…
EDITORIAL: Time to Outlaw Poverty? Part Two
“So what my investigations have brought to my attention is that we’re in dire need of a transfer station, and that primarily, it’s a problem of trash collection in living out there…
EDITORIAL: Time to Outlaw Poverty? Part One
It appeared, from the comments offered by the neighbors at the August 14 work session, that Mr. Goodman was allowing friends to ‘camp’ on his private property…
EDITORIAL: Many Mistakes at the BOCC Meeting, Part Four
“I caution you. Tell the truth to your voters. The last time we had a bond measure passed in Archuleta County was Measure 1A…”
EDITORIAL: Many Mistakes at the BOCC Meeting, Part Three
“So we’re recalling Resolution 2018-36 for further modification. Does anyone have the language?”
EDITORIAL: Many Mistakes at the BOCC Meeting, Part Two
Commissioner Steve Wadley quickly responded that he didn’t want any mention of the Courthouse renovation to appear in Resolution 2018-37…
Horse Fire Continues to Burn West of Pagosa Springs
Yesterday, firefighters expected to finish a piece of indirect fire line on the east side of the fire…
EDITORIAL: Many Mistakes at the BOCC Meeting, Part One
Maybe voters don’t actually read these kinds of ballot questions. Maybe they vote based on the rumors they hear, from friends, or from the weekly newspaper…
EDITORIAL: The End of Recycling?
Like, where exactly has the glass been going, when we sorted it into a separate bin? Where does the cardboard and paper go, exactly? The aluminum?
EDITORIAL: Making the Case for a Smaller Jail, Part Two
“There’s also an Unassigned Fund Balance. That’s about $3 million. That’s the only, you might say, ‘discretionary funds’ that exist…”
EDITORIAL: Making the Case for a Smaller Jail, Part One
But on August 21, Mr. Weiler brought along an interesting document that he’d obtained from Undersheriff Tonya Hamilton…
EDITORIAL: Expensive Propositions, Part Four
“And Sally and I did not know what to do. Should we tell her about it? Now, what SHOULD we do?…”
EDITORIAL: Expensive Propositions, Part Three
As we can see from the analysis above, this little program to fix our transportation systems under Initiative 153 will be extremely lucrative…
EDITORIAL: Expensive Propositions, Part Two
“We have a habit in Colorado of sticking stuff in the Constitution that doesn’t belong there,” Miller said in a Reporter-Herald interview…
EDITORIAL: Expensive Propositions, Part One
But you might have made it through the first sentence, enough to know that the measure would increase Colorado taxes by $1.6 billion per year.