“So we want to open ‘Wings’ in the fall of 2019 for toddlers and preschoolers. In order to open the doors, we’re looking for financial support…”
Category: News/Politics
EDITORIAL: Another ‘Year of the Woman’? Part Four
More money naturally led to larger staffing budgets. The work once handled by three part-time commissioners was now assigned to full-time professionals…
EDITORIAL: Another ‘Year of the Woman’? Part Three
The BOCC did not hold their usual public work session on Tuesday November 27, because they were in Colorado Springs at a Colorado Counties Inc. (CCI) conference…
EDITORIAL: Another ‘Year of the Woman’? Part Two
Let’s see. Natalie Woodruff was re-elected as our County Assessor, running unopposed. Kristy Archuleta will assume the helm as County Clerk & Recorder…
EDITORIAL: Another ‘Year of the Woman’? Part One
In Colorado and Nevada, women helped propel “trifecta” wins — where a political party gains control of both legislative chambers and the governorship…
EDITORIAL: How to Save on Christmas Spending This Year
And my favorite part of the evening: a lively argument about politics. In particular, a lively argument about the failed County Jail tax increase measure…
EDITORIAL: A Local Thanksgiving
“I don’t see the market fixing the affordable housing problem. Like it or not, I think that’s something that we’re going to need to continue to fund…”
EDITORIAL: Of Jails and Roads… and Trash, Part Four
I don’t see metro districts as a bad thing, but one thing seems very clear: metro districts, by themselves, will probably not solve the problem of expensive paving and asphalt maintenance…
EDITORIAL: Of Jails and Roads… and Trash, Part Three
Without a destination for all our once-recycled packaging, however, our landfills are going to fill at a much faster rate…
EDITORIAL: Of Jails and Roads… and Trash, Part Two
Elam Construction manager Thomas Leffew had used the word “horrible,” to refer to the poor construction of some of our paved roads….
EDITORIAL: Of Jails and Roads… and Trash, Part One
“So about half of our operators have never plowed snow. So that’s a little bit scary….”
EDITORIAL: It’s a Small World, After All… Part Four
“What I see is just the lack of education here in the US. In other countries, they start with the science. It’s very practical…”
EDITORIAL: It’s a Small World, After All… Part Three
But we Americans were still saving money each year. About $6,000 per year, in retirement accounts and college funds and maybe an account for a future down payment on a nicer home…
EDITORIAL: It’s a Small World, After All… Part Two
“I asked Courtney to work with staff and really take a look at those square-footage needs. Keeping in mind that it’s going to be difficult to plan for 50 years into the future…”
EDITORIAL: It’s a Small World, After All… Part One
It’s not inexpensive to build new government facilities, or any type of building, in 2018, and we will be talking about the reasons why in this editorial series…
ARCHULETA COUNTY RESULTS: ‘Yes’ to Teachers, ‘No’ to Jail
Republican candidates Alvin Schaaf (County Commissioner), Elsa P. White (Treasurer) and Richard Valdez (Sheriff) coasted to victory in this Republican-dominated county…
EDITORIAL: Police in the School Hallways, Part Two
Archuleta School District will nevertheless be placing police officers in our school hallways, to prevent a crime that will likely never happen…
EDITORIAL: Police in the School Hallways, Part One
In addition to being ineffective, Fox said increased security measures of these kinds can do more harm than good. He called the suggestion to arm teachers “absurd”…