In the advanced industrial democracies, where they were elected to office on numerous occasions and defeated on others, they fostered greater economic and social equality, substantial economic growth, and political freedom…
Category: News/Politics
EDITORIAL: Real Conversations, about Real Issues, Part One
“Starting this week we’ll meet informally with members of the community to share ideas about current town issues during a new program called ‘Coffee with Council.’ All are invited…”
EDITORIAL: Myths About Pagosa’s Future, Part Four
Before snowmelt can make it into the rivers, the soil gets first dibs on any extra moisture, and here in Southwestern Colorado, the soil was pretty doggone dry as of last October…
EDITORIAL: Myths About Pagosa’s Future, Part Three
“That’s worrisome, because we have a large number of capital projects before us. Not just the jail, but also the Courthouse, DHS, the Sheriff’s Office. A bunch of things are looming in the coming years…”
EDITORIAL: Myths About Pagosa’s Future, Part Two
For example, a large in-migration of 25-year-olds — ready to start young families — could have a very different long-term effect on a community population…
EDITORIAL: Myths About Pagosa’s Future, Part One
As we see in the photograph, the Sarah Platt Decker Chapter turned out a decent number of members for yesterday’s proclamation and photo opportunity…
EDITORIAL: Frustrated, Again, by a Housing Discussion, Part Seven
Clearly, socialism is not cheap, when governments feel good about putting citizens deeply in debt without their approval…
Colorado Congressional Delegation Introduce ‘Native American’ Education Act
States like Colorado that encounter severe budget constraints are struggling to fulfill the requirement to provide tuition-free higher education opportunities for Native American Indian students from out of state…
EDITORIAL: Frustrated, Again, by a Housing Discussion, Part Six
Not all peons were mistreated, of course, and not all patróns were cruel and unmerciful. But the debts lingered, nevertheless…
EDITORIAL: Frustrated, Again, by a Housing Discussion, Part Five
“One of the central components that stood out for me — when I read through this ‘Roadmap’ — was the target, between now and 2025; we want to build 100 affordable housing units….”
EDITORIAL: Frustrated, Again, by a Housing Discussion, Part Four
I suppose our current US President can get his supporters fired up by promising that “America will never be a socialist country. Ever.” But if we look around us with open eyes, we’re already half-way there…
EDITORIAL: Frustrated, Again, by a Housing Discussion, Part Three
Unless the Town government does something, no one else will step up. That was Mr. Adams’ assertion…
EDITORIAL: Frustrated, Again, by a Housing Discussion, Part Two
“This morning, I spoke with Laurie Best, the senior planner with the Town of Breckenridge. Basically, I called her, and told her I was frustrated….””
EDITORIAL: Frustrated, Again, by a Housing Discussion, Part One
The report was funded by the Town Council last summer, as part of a $50,000 grant that also paid for a community housing survey and subsequent analysis of that survey, plus training for PHP staff…
EDITORIAL: CDOT Dreams About Fixing Our Highways, Part Two
What happens in four years, when the highway maintenance needs to continue — but we’ve already put every government building in hock for 20 years?
EDITORIAL: CDOT Dreams About Fixing Our Highways, Part One
CDOT noted that, if Pagosa Springs continues to grow its population, and those new residents continue to drive cars rather than riding bikes, the parking situation downtown will only get worse in the future…
EDITORIAL: Yet Another Forest Service Approval for ‘Village at Wolf Creek’… Part Two
“The Village at Wolf Creek, located atop Wolf Creek Pass, would house up to 10,000 people in as many as 2,000 housing units…”
EDITORIAL: Yet Another Forest Service Approval for ‘Village at Wolf Creek’… Part One
“It is commonly understood that Mr. McCombs brought political pressure to bear to realize his dream to develop the ski area…”