Will the Town really miss impact fees of $50,000 per year, considering its overall budget has increased by $5.7 million since 2005?
Category: News/Politics
EDITORIAL: Declining Ovulation Rates in Certain Populations, Part Three
The birthrate for women in their 20s has tended to drop year after year… According to the report, the birthrate among women in their early 20s has dropped an average of 4 percent each year since 2007…
EDITORIAL: Declining Ovulation Rates in Certain Populations, Part Two
The way I understood home ownership, the way I was taught — by my parents’ actions and conversations — was that a house was meant to be a home, and you maintained it and cared for it…
EDITORIAL: Declining Ovulation Rates in Certain Populations, Part One
“Successful breeding depends largely upon the doe’s health during the rut. The ovulation rate is strongly affected by the doe’s level of nutrition…”
EDITORIAL: The Drought is Over?
When I’m allowed to water my lawn for purely aesthetic purposes, for the past 17 years, I have a hard time believing that we had an honest-to-goodness “drought situation” in Archuleta County…
OPINION: Most Americans Reject ‘America First’ Policy
By contrast, 77 percent said the government spent “too little” on education, 71 percent said it spent “too little” on assistance to the poor, and 70 percent said it spent “too little” on improving and protecting the nation’s health…
EDITORIAL: What Can Be Done with the Dispatch Center? Part Three
To generate that number of phone calls, every man, woman and child in Archuleta County would need to call the Dispatch Center more than ten times every year…
EDITORIAL: What Can Be Done with the Dispatch Center? Part One
“The Dispatch Center takes all 911 calls within the County and dispatches the appropriate agencies. They receive over 8,000 911 calls per year…”
EDITORIAL: Coffee With Council… and a Zoning Question, Part Four
In order to accomplish this goal of devitalizing the downtown, the BOCC needs the Town Council to approve the re-zoning of a 5-acre parcel in the core of the Harman Park commercial area…
EDITORIAL: Coffee With Council… and a Zoning Question, Part Three
“With a city entirely zoned, they [realtors] could assure purchasers of residential property that their neighborhoods would never be encroached upon by business…”
EDITORIAL: Coffee With Council… and a Zoning Question, Part Two
Meanwhile, on the other side of town, the Planning Commission was looking at changing the zoning for a parcel in Harman Park, to accommodate a new $14 million jail…
EDITORIAL: Coffee With Council… and a Zoning Question, Part One
The Town Planning Commission might make a recommendation this evening, about re-zoning the County-owned parcel. Or perhaps they will agree to study the issue more carefully before deciding….
EDITORIAL: The Big Picture, Part Six
“While American companies lead in making essential 5G technologies, there are no longer any U.S. manufacturers of core telecommunications network equipment….”
EDITORIAL: The Big Picture, Part Five
The reason American manufacturing jobs have disappeared, and the reason American agricultural jobs have disappeared, has very little to do with “globalization” or “immigration”…
EDITORIAL: The Legend of Tear-Down Brown
“Parking, congestion, there’s gotta be a lot of things that we need to think about and address before we start throwing money into this pit…”
EDITORIAL: The Big Picture, Part Four
But the thousands of documents leaked by Mr. Snowdon revealed something perhaps even more important than the fact that the US government was spying on its own citizens…
EDITORIAL: The Big Picture, Part Three
As we see, the Participation Rate of adults in the job market hit a high point of 67.3 in March 2000, and then began to decline, falling to a low point of 62.5 in October 2015…
Reactions to Senate Bill 19-181…’Protect Public Welfare Oil and Gas Operations’
“The people beset by the callous onslaught of oil and gas development now have a state government that is prioritizing their interests over the industry’s…”