Both Russia and China are aggressively jointly practicing a “high-low” strategy of hostility…
Category: News/Politics
EDITORIAL: The Growth ‘Ponzi Scheme’, Part Nine
Of the fourteen ideas listed, more than half — eight of them, to be exact — reference “walking” or “recreation.” Our current Council seems wonderfully interested in increased pedestrian activity…
EDITORIAL: The Growth ‘Ponzi Scheme’, Part Eight
Mr. Simpson made a preliminary presentation to the Town Planning Commission on November 26, showing rough sketches of the proposed low-income town homes. The plan was praised by the Town Planning department…
EDITORIAL: The Growth ‘Ponzi Scheme’, Part Seven
“I realized that if the economic conversations taking place in parliaments, in boardrooms and in the media worldwide are going to change, then the fundamental economic ideas taught in schools and universities have to be transformed, too….”
Advocacy Groups Celebrate Key Step Towards Climate Goals, Cleaner Air
“Since air knows no political boundaries, any source of air pollution in Colorado is of concern to all citizens who want their families to breathe clean air….”
EDITORIAL: The Growth ‘Ponzi Scheme’, Part Six
I suppose the Christmas season can seem like a treadmill to some people… trying to find and afford appropriate gifts for family and friends… often going into debt in the effort to show how much we care…
EDITORIAL: The Growth ‘Ponzi Scheme’, Part Five
A key word here is “resilient.” Able to weather a storm. Durable. Stronger and longer-laster than some of the roads and buildings and infrastructure built here in Archuleta County over the past 40 years…
OPINION: Americans Support a Non-Nuclear Future
In February 2019, when the Chicago Council surveyed Americans about US withdrawal from the INF Treaty, 54 percent opposed the action…
EDITORIAL: The Growth ‘Ponzi Scheme’, Part Four
“I’m open to having greater special district participation on the commission, but I also think the Council needs to be the driving force of that board, to maintain the majority…”
LETTER: Blight in Pagosa Springs
Too bad it already has water, sewer, paved streets, etc. Otherwise, the Town could grant itself TIF to rebuild…
EDITORIAL: The Growth ‘Ponzi Scheme’, Part Three
“What they really want, is to have a meeting with the town, with the districts and have the districts and the town together to put together the format of the board, likely leading to more taxing entities on that board…”
The Challenge of a New School Funding Formula
“I still see us rearranging the deck chairs and not increasing the money,” she said. “That concerns me…”
EDITORIAL: The Growth ‘Ponzi Scheme’, Part Two
Ten years ago, the Town of Pagosa Springs was struggling with declining tax revenue, thanks to the Great Recession… after almost two decades of steady revenue growth…
EDITORIAL: The Growth ‘Ponzi Scheme’, Part One
“Bolstered by state and federal funding, municipal bond debt financing as well as tax incentives and deferrals, cities and towns that want to induce new development have many means of doing so…”
Colorado Legislators Looking at ‘Organic Burials’
For most Coloradans, there are two main choices after death: burial or cremation. Representative Brianna Titone and Senator Robert Rodriguez plan to bring a bill READ MORE
EDITORIAL: The Hidden Cost of Jails, Part Three
“Our goal is reducing recidivism, which leads to reductions in the incarceration rate, (and) phasing out private prisons,” Polis said…
EDITORIAL: The Hidden Cost of Jails, Part Two
We do know, however, that it cost the Sheriff’s Office about $400,000 last year to house all of our inmates at the La Plata County Jail, an hour’s drive away….
EDITORIAL: The Hidden Cost of Jails, Part One
“You want to know what this was really all about?” he asked with the bluntness of a man who, after public disgrace and a stretch in federal prison, had little left to protect…