“Colorado journalists face a number of legal issues, including high fees for obtaining public records and the misuse of exceptions and exclusions in the public records law to deny requests…”
Category: News/Politics
EDITORIAL: On Our Own, with No Direction Home… Part Two
This massive MID tax giveaway to mostly very wealthy families has been staunchly defended, since the 1950s, by America’s real estate industry as necessary to keep real estate prices headed upwards…
EDITORIAL: On Our Own, with No Direction Home… Part One
We also heard some discussion by the Council members… but no firm decisions were made. The direction forward remains unclear…
Colorado Bills to Expand Mental Health Training for Teachers Move Forward
“Our educators are on the front lines,” said state Sen. Rhonda Fields, an Aurora Democrat and the bill’s sponsor. “They see the risk factors…”
OPINION: Trump’s and Netanyahu’s Folly
Do Trump and Netanyahu understand the implications of what they have done?
OPINION: A Stain on American Democracy
I’ve met many immigrants across this country, and I still haven’t met anybody with a stronger accent than my grandparents had, and I have never met anybody who were greater patriots than they were…
EDITORIAL: Colorado Parents, Kids Saying ‘No’ to Contact Sports? Part Two
Denver parent Alicia Maestas agrees the game is too dangerous for her 11-year-old son, who now plays non-contact flag football…
OPINION: Bloomberg Plan Will Protect Americans, and Their Children
There are common sense steps we can take to make our children and our communities safer. And there are leaders who are making the right choices, who aren’t beholden to special interests…
EDITORIAL: A Healthy Discussion About an Unhealthy Project? Part Three
“Last, I feel we need to make additional efforts to educate our community about the services we provide, but also our structure and how we operate…”
OPINION: Senate Bill 20-102 Could Ensure Women’s Safety When Receiving Medical Care
While thankfully we don’t often hear of these reports, we can’t be naïve to believe sexual assaults and abuses don’t happen in this context within our small community…
Terminally Ill, He Wanted Aid-In-Dying. His Catholic Hospital Said No.
In the past two years, Diffendaffer and his fledgling group, Dying With Dignity of the Rockies, have helped more than 50 terminally ill Coloradans obtain medications to end their lives…
EDITORIAL: A Healthy Discussion About an Unhealthy Project? Part Two
“We should have a comprehensive list of potential partners… see if we can find somebody interested in partnering up with us, because — as far as PAWSD is concerned — we can’t afford to build a dam….”
LETTER: Senator Gardner Profits from Special Interest Lobbyists at Fundraiser
Coloradans are demanding protections for our public lands. We are struggling with the skyrocketing costs of prescription drugs…
New Law Would Promote Better Health Care for Colorado’s Aging Population
“Our growing senior population deserves compassionate and capable health care, but right now Colorado simply doesn’t have enough physicians to care for them…”
EDITORIAL: A Healthy Discussion About an Unhealthy Project? Part One
Some divorces are ugly, and the divorce between PAWSD and SJWCD could have been viewed that way, except that the two boards jointly own 666 acres of gazing land…
EDITORIAL: The Art of Seeing the Future, Part Nine
In my book, there is no shame in trying and failing. (I do that regularly myself.) There’s no shame in trying a second or third time, with a different approach…
Colorado Hospitals Showing Record Profits
The cost of health care has gone up much more sharply in Colorado than nationally… In fact, on average, Colorado hospitals charge some of the highest prices in the country…
EDITORIAL: The Art of Seeing the Future, Part Eight
This is, of course, a computer’s opinion about my place of residence. No human being connected with WalkScore.com has ever strolled through my neighborhood…