Several days earlier, Michael Levitt, a Nobel laureate and Stanford biophysicist, released the results of an analysis of global COVID cases…
Category: News/Politics
EDITORIAL: Blunt Tools, Part Seven
According to the Riff Raff Brewing website, a new program known as ‘Takeout Tuesday’ will kick off today, right here in small town Pagosa Springs…
His goofy rhetoric and dysfunctional leadership style comes directly from the pages of Mad Magazine…
OPINION: Criminal Justice Leaders Call for Moratorium on Fines, Fees
“Suspending these punitive fees will give the most vulnerable Coloradans a better chance to stabilize and recover….”
EDITORIAL: Blunt Tools, Part Six
Six days later, on March 17, her symptoms had worsened and she checked into the Emergency Room at Pagosa Springs Medical Center…
Personal Message from Mayor Don Volger
I left the meeting nagged by a key question, “What do people really need right now?”
OPINION: ‘Nothing to Fear But Fear Itself…’
Today we live in an increasingly fear-based world. I’m not a psychologist; I don’t pretend to know why….
EDITORIAL: Blunt Tools, Part Five
The Council then contributed $50,000 to Pagosa Outreach Connection, an existing relief organization that makes small grants to needy individuals and families…
How the COVID-19 Crisis Might Affect Colorado’s Education Budgets
Colorado schools will be lucky if funding remains essentially flat next year, even as they make dramatic changes to serve their students during statewide school closures…
LETTER: A Future with More Social Cohesion
The worldwide impact of COVID-19, apart from health issues, finds us at a crossroads…
LETTER: COVID Crisis Reveals a Broken Health Care System
The damage of the COVID-19 pandemic to the American medical and economic health is a glaring example of the fragmented, chaotic nature of our free enterprise medical system…
EDITORIAL: Blunt Tools, Part Four
“That’s the benefit of taking the blunt route, and just… you skip over all those [bureaucratic] hurdles that slow you down…”
Colorado Supreme Court Allows Legislative ‘Pause’ During Emergency
Court rules in favor of the General Assembly’s position that legislative days do not have to be counted consecutively during a public health crisis…
Colorado Emergency Child Care Expands to Include Grocery, Construction Workers
Originally, only health workers, first responders, and staff at residential care facilities were eligible for emergency child care…
EDITORIAL: Blunt Tools, Part Three
“As far as for individuals, I’d like to look into the idea of giving every town resident $200. What would be the implications of something like that?”
LETTER: Failed Leadership
The length of time the nation remains in ‘quarantine’ seems to be the critical economic unknown…
OPINION: Trump’s April Fools Joke?
The timing of the rollback couldn’t be worse as Americans are fighting a respiratory-related pandemic…
EDITORIAL: Blunt Tools, Part Two
We probably could use some locally-sourced, locally-distributed help. Can the Town government find any tools in its toolbox… that aren’t too blunt?