The basic issues behind the controversy are universal. Trust. Community. Private property rights. Following rules. Raising healthy children…
Category: Opinion/Letters
EDITORIAL: Archuleta County to Host Public Meeting on Proposed Land Purchase
The photo above shows the current Administration Building, which previously — a dozen years ago — served as the Archuleta County Education Center…
EDITORIAL: PLPOA to Vote on Funding for New Gymnasium, Part One
Could the whole community come together to build something that served, especially, the non-adult population?
EDITORIAL: How About Them Home Prices? Part Four
“He could say, for example, that it’s time to build Trump Towers across America, which would immediately make them sound desirable…”
SAVE THE COLORADO: Elon Musk Gets the Gross Dam Fiasco Exactly Wrong
“It makes no more sense to build a new dam on the Colorado River than it does on Mars…”
A DIFFERENT POINT OF VIEW: Convictions and Acquittals
It only takes one juror to prevent a conviction because of a “hung jury” in the Thompson murder case…
OPINION: Time for CPW to Address Trophy Hunting of Big Cats
Colorado is so much better than this. Let’s ask CPW to invest more heavily in real science…
EDITORIAL: How About Them Home Prices? Part Three
Back in the 1980s, when I was still living in Alaska, I came across a recently written book titled, ‘The Nine Nations of North America’…
INTEL FROM THE IVORY TOWER: How Trump Could Benefit From Defending Ukraine
Will we support people who have demonstrated that they could repel the Russians, with military aid?
EDITORIAL: How About Them Home Prices? Part Two
The YIMBY Movement seeks to explain why the NIMBY approach to building a community will ultimately destroy the community’s viability…
EDITORIAL: How About Them Home Prices? Part One
“During this public event, PSCDC will draw up to 8 qualified homebuyers from the pool of pre-approved applicants who can select one of our newly built affordable homes…”
BIG PIVOTS: Is Colorado the Beacon on the Hill? Part Four
“Is it perfect? No. Are we perfect? No, but they are a leader. They’re showing how you just do it…”
EDITORIAL: A Long Story About an Imaginary Water Shortage, Part Seven
“Accurate measurement of diversions is critical to protect Colorado’s entitlement to water, including under the Colorado River Compact…”
BIG PIVOTS: Is Colorado the Beacon on the Hill? Part Three
“There’s still a lot of discovery, imagination and innovation that needs to happen….”
A DIFFERENT POINT OF VIEW: The Bankruptcy Experience, Part Three
If you decide to buy gold, I’ll pass on the advice of every ‘gold bug’ I’ve ever listened to…
LETTER: Preserving History and Culture, or Not
Over 120 memorial books have been published, each focusing on one or more of the 400 towns and villages that were affected…
EDITORIAL: A Long Story About an Imaginary Water Shortage, Part Six
“All happy families are alike; each unhappy family is unhappy in its own way…”
BIG PIVOTS: Is Colorado the Beacon on the Hill? Part Two
Will Toor, director of the Colorado Energy Office, made the case that Colorado has been providing a model that can be used by other states…