I set myself some rules. No gift could cost more than $5. I would avoid gifts suitable for a traditional Christmas stocking. ‘Stupid’ and ‘silly’ was preferable, but ‘useful’ was permissible…
Category: Opinion/Letters
EDITORIAL: The Future of Daylight Savings Time
One issue that stirs the imagination of advisors to President-elect Donald Trump concerns changes to the nation’s clocks…
EDITORIAL: Asking the Community for Advice? Part Six
I take those facts as an indication of the public’s interest in the Running Iron Ranch issue…
INTEL FROM THE IVORY TOWER: Finding a Biblical Message in Christmas Movies
It’s the time of year for Christmas… and holiday-themed movies…
EDITORIAL: Asking the Community for Advice? Part Five
The WSCWG volunteers concluded, after a year of research, that the Dry Gulch Reservoir was not a good idea, and was not necessary…
EDITORIAL: Asking the Community for Advice? Part Four
Several people had signed up to address the commissioners on the subject of vacant land purchases — or, alternately, on the subject of collaborating with the Archuleta School District…
A DIFFERENT POINT OF VIEW: A Two-Headed Hydra of Distrust, Part Two
The anti-Trump bias existed back in his first term as President, as illustrated here…
LETTER: Time to Shut Down Dakota Access Pipeline
The pipeline is currently operating illegally, even as the ongoing legal battles surrounding it are reaching a critical point…
EDITORIAL: Asking the Community for Advice? Part Three
“So my next phase was to provide some educational outreach about some pros and cons of different water supply options… of no reservoir, or a reservoir, or alternatives to a reservoir. …”
OPINION: BLM’s Disastrously Expensive Wild Horse Policy
Horses are Nature’s keystone herbivores, and they symbiotically reduce and maintain wildfire fuels (grass and brush)…
OPINION: Carbon Removal in Colorado?
Carbon removal pathways take carbon dioxide out of the atmosphere and store it permanently…
A DIFFERENT POINT OF VIEW: A Two-Headed Hydra of Distrust, Part One
But don’t get the impression that faculty fools are confined to the State of North Carolina…
OPINION: Open Letter to the BOCC Regarding the Shooting Range Proposal
Statement of Jim Denvir regarding the Special Use Permit application of Keyah Grande to operate an open air shooting range…
EDITORIAL: Asking the Community for Advice? Part One
“I heard the community loud and clear, and Marybeth Snyder is one example of what’s being said — is to have a community meeting so they can come forward and present their ideas…”
OPINION: Important County Hearing on Tuesday, Dec. 17 Regarding Expanded Shooting Range
The County Planning Commission (the “PC”) recommended approval of a special use permit for an open air shooting range at Keyah Grande…
EDITORIAL: PLPOA to Vote on Funding for New Gymnasium, Part Two
The basic issues behind the controversy are universal. Trust. Community. Private property rights. Following rules. Raising healthy children…
EDITORIAL: Archuleta County to Host Public Meeting on Proposed Land Purchase
The photo above shows the current Administration Building, which previously — a dozen years ago — served as the Archuleta County Education Center…
EDITORIAL: PLPOA to Vote on Funding for New Gymnasium, Part One
Could the whole community come together to build something that served, especially, the non-adult population?