When the Saudi’s made their deal with Russia, they ended the exclusive use of U.S. petro-dollars as the means of buying oil…
Category: Opinion/Letters
EDITORIAL: Two Views of Pagosa’s Future, Part Five
Developers sometimes use phrases like “middle income” and “missing middle” to disguise the fact that they are actually serving higher income households…
A DIFFERENT POINT OF VIEW: The Unraveling of U.S. Economic Influence, Part One
By 1927, the planned U.S. inflation was accomplishing its goal of helping England. Two years later that inflation resulted in the 1929 stock market crash…
LETTER: Is Pagosa’s Growth Real? Or an Illusion?
Let’s direct growth in a planned, sustainable way that supports what has always made Pagosa a place where people want to live and raise families…
EDITORIAL: Two Views of Pagosa’s Future, Part Four
The sales pitch seems to be, “If the County becomes our anchor tenant, then we promise to build some workforce housing on the parcel next door…”
LETTER: ‘A Failure of Humanity’
No Palestinian-American was afforded a speaking role at the Democratic National Convention…
EDITORIAL: Two Views of Pagosa’s Future, Part Three
We sometimes envision private, for-profit businesses keeping the American economy going. In fact, here in Pagosa Springs, most of the best paid employees are working for local governments…
OPINION: Colorado Democrats Master the Art of Dark Lawmaking
Democrats at the Colorado Legislature are increasingly hostile to open government, and they have learned that they will pay little price for drawing a curtain around their work…
OPINION: Hunters, Anglers Call for Biden to Designate Dolores River National Monument
Protecting intact habitat for mule deer, elk, and desert bighorn sheep is essential for retaining quality sporting opportunities…
EDITORIAL: Two Views of Pagosa’s Future, Part Two
“Colorado House Bill 24-1300 proposed to create a mandatory wildfire certification program. From my cheap seats, I see this as similar to the septic transfer process…”
STRONG TOWNS: The Housing Market is a Bubble Full of Fraud
Prices are artificially high due primarily to the downstream effects of financialization. Localized supply and demand dynamics are a mess…
EDITORIAL: Two Views of Pagosa’s Future, Part One
Over the past couple of decades, forestry professionals have adopted the perspective that periodic wildfire is an essential feature of healthy forests…
EDITORIAL: The Cost of Small Town Government, Part Three
“Well, I will say, although we don’t have a plan fully developed, I was talking to an East End business owner today…”
INTEL FROM THE IVORY TOWER: Do Political Conventions Help Swing a State Toward Their Party?
Four years ago, the Democrats located their convention in my birth city of Milwaukee, Wisconsin, which was a smart move, as they were able to retake that state that they lost in 2016…
LETTER: Thoughts About the Upcoming Artist Studio Tour, Aug. 23-25
Artists participating in the tour work in virtually every medium of art — ceramics, painting, photography, leather work, sculpture, mosaics, fabric art, glass, resin cast, metal fabrication…
LETTER: Pagosa Kindness, and Honesty
A couple of weeks ago I stopped at Sonic for a milkshake. That evening, I received a text asking if I had lost my wallet and I.D. …
EDITORIAL: The Cost of Small Town Government, Part Two
How to best use the money we have? That’s something we’ll never agree on, even among the town residents who serve on the Pagosa Springs Town Council…
A DIFFERENT POINT OF VIEW: A Quick Refresher on Freedom of Speech in America
As I’ve written before, the United States Supreme Court long ago held “that speakers are protected against all government agencies and officials”…