Dams contribute to greenhouse gas emissions in many ways, including through the reservoirs and artificial lakes they hold back…
Category: Opinion/Letters
EDITORIAL: Taxpayer Participation vs. Certificates of Participation, Part Four
We’re discussing the reasons why a local government might seek voter approval for a general obligation bond…
EDITORIAL: Taxpayer Participation vs. Certificates of Participation, Part Three
It would appear that nearly all of the “New Schools” were funded at least partly by Lease-Purchase arrangements…
INTEL FROM THE IVORY TOWER: Attacks On FEMA Following Hurricane Helene
Now we’re hearing that folks in Washington want to replace FEMA with state-level agencies. That would be a bigger disaster…
It’s easy to laugh at them. Unfortunately it’s also a sad reflection of our hyper-partisan politics…
EDITORIAL: Taxpayer Participation vs. Certificates of Participation, Part Two
Judging by election results going back to 2010, our community is supportive of tax increases… if the money will be used to upgrade existing buildings…
LETTER: Where are the Democrats?
President Donald Trump is rapidly degrading the United States of America into a fascist hellscape. The nominal opposition leaders are nowhere to be found. As READ MORE
OPINION: Difficult Decisions About the Wolf Reintroduction
Wildlife management requires knowledge and skill in biology, ecology, sociology, and political science…
EDITORIAL: Taxpayer Participation vs. Certificates of Participation, Part One
“I absolutely do not want us to look at only doing a COP. I don’t think a COP benefits our community…”
OPINION: Obstruction of Airplane Landing Due to Actions of Anti-Wildlife Activists
Anti-wildlife activists disrupted binational effort built on trust to serve citizens of Colorado, with documented, unlawful acts…
OPINION: Redefining the Idea of ‘Presidential Pardons’… Part Three
Maybe we were being duped by inside actors who looked forward to installing illegal acts of the court as a multi-century tradition…
A DIFFERENT POINT OF VIEW: Advocates of States’ Rights Are Sometimes Wrong
If the very idea of a sanctuary has an ecclesiastic origin, doesn’t claiming to be a sanctuary invoke religious authority?
OPINION: Elon Musk’s Nazi Salute
Being rich is not a crime, but using one’s riches to promote bigotry and antisemitism is…
EDITORIAL: Discussions About Pagosa’s Precarious Future, Part Two
“So what the Forest Service did, was they mapped this entire area for us… and these maps indicate ‘trigger points’ for us…”
OPINION: America’s ‘Grand Housing Bargain’ is Broken; Time for a New One
The grand bargain we’ve been living under is broken. But with a new commitment to incremental growth and thoughtful change, we can create neighborhoods that are both dynamic and enduring…
OPINION: Redefining the Idea of ‘Presidential Pardons’… Part Two
Overall, the courts granting themselves the power to revise the definition of a word “to coincide with the times” is a terrible idea…
EDITORIAL: Discussions About Pagosa’s Precarious Future, Part One
“Basically, in a nutshell, what those refer to, is the Sheriff’s responsibility for suppression for wildland fires…”
OPINION: Redefining the Idea of ‘Presidential Pardons’… Part One
Our modern times have clearly placed us into a form of despotism, and this is probably not a good thing…