When we came back to school this year, everyone knew it would be similar to last year…
Category: Essays
ESSAY: Growing Healthy in the Garden
Gardening has been shown to have many mental and physical health benefits by getting people outside and working in the soil…
PHOTO ESSAY: Annual Spanish Fiesta a Big Success
A group of over 20 different families came together to rekindle the fondly-remembered Pagosa Springs Spanish Fiestas…
ESSAY: Giordano Bruno, 475 Years Later
We need to revive his legacy, because Bruno’s life and thought evince the virtues of which we are in such short supply…
EDITORIAL: Celebrating Freedom
I know very little about most of these 250 independent nations. I was not expected to learn much about them, during my public school education…
HMPRESENTLY: Comparing Demographic Cohorts’ Lingo
So, let’s say you’re in the Gen X cohort. You were born between 1965 and 1980. Would ‘feh’ be familiar to you?
ESSAY: Which States Celebrate Juneteenth?
Other states that weren’t part of the Civil War, like Nevada, Utah, Colorado, Nebraska, Idaho, New Mexico, and South Dakota, which do celebrate Juneteenth…
EDITORIAL: A Trip to Washington DC, Part Two
Lily and Ursala had learned a particular style of weaving from their mother, Clarissa Rizal, who was herself a fairly renowned weaver and weaving teacher…
EDITORIAL: A Trip to Washington DC, Part One
Lily and Ursala — my two daughters — had been invited to Washington DC to participate with four other contemporary American Indian artists in a show entitled, “Sharing Honors and Burdens”…
HMPRESENTLY: The Unique Language of Business
Like top 10 songs on music charts, certain words become top 10 favorites. Like the rather popular word… ‘stakeholders,’ for example…
HMPRESENTLY: Oldish but Goodish
I was behind the wheel of our aging, but delightfully functional vehicle. There’s something about old stuff that my crusty, old inner self truly appreciates…
HMPRESENTLY: Halting Procreation?
I’ve had this thing about metrics, which, in business, supposedly serve as an indication, or a measurement, of performance…
ORIGINS: Beware the Ides of March
I’m not one to ignore the signals my body sends me, so I did what any relatively healthy, 63-year-old person without insurance would do…
A Tale of Colorado’s Biggest and Smallest Coal Mines
Two mines named Elk both increased production in 2022. But long term? By the simple numbers, the outlook does not favor their prospects…
HMPRESENTLY: Alright, Alright, Alright… Warmest Vibes
I’m so freaking cautious, much of the time, signing off on emails, for example, a traditional age-old way, often writing ‘All the best’ or ‘All READ MORE
PHOTO ESSAY: Sledz on Rez, 2023
The youngest of the group made it all the way down with the most amazing big blue eyes…
It’s been a crazy roller coaster ride with all the ups and downs, the highs and lows, and the unforeseeable twists and turns…
BIG PIVOTS: Reimagining Colorado’s Highways
The pot wasn’t deep enough to produce overpasses such as the one between Pagosa Springs and Durango…