Readers might notice that the Pagosa Peak announcement mentions a possible face-to-face discussion between the charter school board and the Archuleta School Board…
Category: Education/Health
EDITORIAL: Valentine’s Day for the Charter School? Part Three
This decision by the Archuleta School Board, to make no decision, pretty much guarantees that the Pagosa Peak Open School will be unable to open its doors as planned…
EDITORIAL: Valentine’s Day for the Charter School? Part One
Relationships are complicated. We understand that. The two parties will always have conflicting desires, along with their shared goals…
EDITORIAL: Fidel Castro’s Health Care Legacy
Dr. Blumenthal’s essay grew out of his visit to Cuba earlier this month. In it, he examines Cuba’s investments in primary care and public health and their impact on the health of the population…
New Charter School Gets School Board Approval
The conditions stipulated by the ASD School Board include a requirement that the yet-to-be-formed Pagosa Peak Open School board of directors raise an additional $175,000 in grants and donations during their first year in operation…
ESSAY: Corn, Corn Oil… and Scientific Reality, Part Two
Mr. Sternberg did his Ph.D. work along side Jennifer Doudna, the University of California researcher who developed the CRISPR/Cas9 system of gene editing…
‘ColoradoCare Coffee’ with Senator Irene Aguilar Tomorrow at 8am
In November 2010, Dr. Aguilar made a decision to seek public office to advance the cause of universal health care…
EDITORIAL: The Creation of a Colorado Charter School, Part Nine
When we no longer have the ability to earn a paycheck, how will we pay the rent? Will the robot, who has taken over our job, pay it for us?
EDITORIAL: The Creation of a Colorado Charter School, Part Eight
But the food… that the children are eating… is it really healthful?
EDITORIAL: The Creation of a Colorado Charter School, Part Seven
This 300-page application explains how the academic model will be facilitated, how the school will be staffed, how teachers will be recruited and trained and evaluated, how Special Education students will be accommodated…
EDITORIAL: The Creation of a Colorado Charter School, Part Six
There’s probably nothing like trying to start a charter school, to give the average citizen a real education about the government’s regulation of childhood in America….
EDITORIAL: The Creation of a Colorado Charter School, Part Five
The Colorado legislature thought, back in 1993, that charter schools might be part of the answer to improving education for the state’s children. Obviously, it hasn’t been the whole answer…
EDITORIAL: The Creation of a Colorado Charter School, Part Four
“We were fortunate to get a $5 million grant, back in the days of the first George Bush administration, as part of an initiative to create ‘break the mold’ American schools…”
EDITORIAL: The Creation of a Colorado Charter School, Part Three
Read Part One If you are thinking about starting a charter school in Colorado, you should probably consider the comment we heard while visiting the READ MORE
EDITORIAL: The Creation of a Colorado Charter School, Part Two
After 18 months of research, the volunteer board of the Pagosa Peak Open School has settled upon the idea that they want children to leave their school — and to enter adulthood — with a strong sense of purpose…
EDITORIAL: The Creation of a Colorado Charter School, Part One
We’ve created choices, but we’ve also created competition — publicly funded competition — and that makes us uncomfortable….
School Board Looks at Next Year’s Budget, Part One
Amendment 23 isn’t the only constitutional provision that applies to the state budget. Among other things, the constitution requires a balanced state budget every year…
Pagosa Charter School Group Celebrates Initial Planning Grant
With the funds from the Stage 1 Grant, our group plans to send each of our board members to at least one successful Colorado charter school to get a good picture of what is out there in terms of innovative public schools…