To be eligible to fill the vacancy, a candidate must be a registered elector of the school district and a resident of director Precinct 1…
Category: Education/Health
EDITORIAL: COVID and the Power of Anecdotal Stories, Part One
“…If only 6000 are dead out of five million infected, that works out to a case fatality rate of 0.12 percent, roughly the same as regular old influenza, which no one is the least bit frightened of, and which we don’t shut down our societies for…”
New Guidance for Colorado Schools
“There will be times when it isn’t safe to be in school,” Burakoff said…
COSI Announces $7.5 Million in Postsecondary Scholarship Grants
“Every dollar invested in COSI is matched by a private philanthropy, thus doubling our return,” said Senator Rachel Zenzinger who sits on the Joint Budget Committee…”
VP Pick Kamala Harris Once Clashed with Biden on Education Issues
This article by Matt Barnum first appeared on on August 11, 2020 Former Vice President Joe Biden announced California Sen. Kamala Harris as his READ MORE
OPINION: Vaccine ‘Nationalism’ Could Backfire on America
Vaccine development has long been a globalized process. Between research, procurement of materials and manufacturing, vaccine production all but requires regional cooperation…
OPINION: To Open Schools, or Not to Open Schools… That is the Question
With the reopening of stores and restaurants, people again felt more comfortable about returning to some semblance of normalcy, although at varying levels…
Pandemic Places Students on Unequal Footing
The parents of more than 50 million American school children are now being forced to make decisions that could have long-term implications for their children’s health and education…
New CARES Food Coupons for Seniors Can Be Used at Farmers Market
San Juan Basin Area Agency on Aging is offering a new program that provides coupons for a limited number of older adult and caregiving shoppers…
Teachers Rally on ‘National Day of Action’ as School Reopening Debate Continues
Milwaukee teachers tacked demands to the door of the state’s education agency that included a statewide order to keep school buildings closed and an end to standardized testing…
Colorado Colleges Strive to Maximize Value
Annual ‘The Road to Affordability: Reducing Cost and Maximizing Value’ report underscores the importance of containing college costs…
Governor Polis Announces Mask Distribution to All K-12 Schools
“Keeping teachers, students, and school staff as safe as possible as kids head back to school is our top priority. We are thrilled to be working to distribute medical-grade masks to educators across our state…”
EDITORIAL: Pagosa Kids Going Back to School? Part Nine
“We are deeply concerned that the bill would seek to tie much-needed assistance to a federal definition of school building reopening. Student health and safety is the most local of concerns…”
Colorado Churches Grapple with Reopening
“It just seems, as religious people, Christians, we would want to do our best for the common good, for the greater good…”
EDITORIAL: Pagosa Kids Going Back to School? Part Eight
“I think what it comes down to is, ‘What is best for our community.’ And in our [recent] parent survey, we had over 70 percent of our families wanting full-time, in-person learning…”
EDITORIAL: Pagosa Kids Going Back to School? Part Seven
“It seems like a very inopportune time to slow down on any kind of testing. And I know, if they could, they would probably not be cutting back…”
CEI and Partners Launch Systemic Supports for Educators
“We are thrilled to support a coalition bringing educator-driven resources to promote connection and relationships during this time of distance and disruption…”
ESSAY: My Quest for COVID Answers
In anticipation of this learning opportunity, I had compiled my list of questions, and was ready to soak in all the knowledge she would share…