It is important that all individuals within the Southern Ute Indian Reservation follow the safety guidance in place to help slow or stop the spread of the virus…
Category: Education/Health
Is Colorado’s School Accountability System Working?
“What are we measuring with the tests?” Gonzales-Gutierrez asked. “Are they taking into consideration language, the history of oppression in the school system?”
Healthy Minds and Hunger Free Campus Checklists Released
“At a time when too many of Colorado’s students worry about how they can afford to eat or pay rent, and struggle with mental health, these checklists are a welcome resource…”
Pagosa’s Charter School Connecting Students, Local Producers with ‘Farm to School’
The National Farm to School Program was started in 2007 to encourage schools to serve fresh and local food to students…
Colorado Bill Seeks to Suspend State-wide School Testing This Year
The bill would order the Colorado Department of Education to ask the US Department of Education for a waiver to testing requirements…
SLOW BLEED: Colorado Child Care Providers Struggle to Survive
“I remember breaking down in my office talking to some of my board members saying, ‘I don’t know what we’re going to do’…”
Montana’s Health Policy MVP Heads Out on the Road
Bartlett is now trying to apply what she did in Montana to other states, including Colorado, as well as counties and businesses, to bring down their hospital costs…
Updated Proposal Would Help Americans Reduce Health Care Costs
This week, US Senators Michael Bennet (D-Colo.) and Tim Kaine (D-Va.) announced the reintroduction of their legislation, the Medicare-X Choice Act…
Pagosa Medical Center Now Vaccinating Priority Groups 1B.1 and 1B.2
If you are a member of one of these groups, please click on the Reservation Form Link below, to complete the form…
OPINION: The Dangers of High-Potency THC Products
In 2012, along with the majority of Coloradans, we voted to pass Amendment 64 and legalize recreational marijuana in Colorado….
Supplements for the Treatment of Mild COVID-19
Although supplements are generally thought of as benign because of their over-the-counter availability, they are not necessarily free from adverse effects…
A Shared Health Project at Pagosa Peak Open School
Two kindergartners from Ms. Emily’s class, Amalie and Zeke, made informational videos about COVID and other germs…
La Plata County Drops Quickly from ‘Blue’ to ‘Yellow’
“After weeks of lower metrics, La Plata County is seeing a rise in cases and test positivity rates which can be attributed in part to indoor social gatherings…”
In-Person ‘Enrollment Open House’ at Pagosa Peak Open School Tonight & Thursday
Pagosa Peak Open School was started by a group of local parents and grandparents to bring an innovative educational choice to our mountain community…
Budget Axe Set to Strike, as Demand for Mental Health Care Spikes
“Everybody right now is just trying to protect and make sure we don’t have additional cuts,” said Doyle Forrestal…
Conflicting CDC Studies About COVID in Schools
The latest estimates suggest that about 60% of American students have access to in-person instruction of some sort — the highest figure since November…
OPINION: Our Schools Were Becoming Remote, Before the Pandemic
…The built environment does everything it can to isolate Scotts Ridge and its students from town…
Colorado Distributes ‘BinaxNOW’ Testing Kits to Teachers
“In-person learning is essential to the well-being and safety of our students, as well as the future of our economy…”