“Today when I went to Walmart this afternoon (Wed. 6/30), the manager was standing outside informing customers that the store was closed due to COVID…”
Category: Education/Health
Governor Polis Looks to Businesses to Promote Vaccination Program
Business owners and employees have been innovative and nimble in the face of this crisis…
BILL OF THE MONTH: Colorado Hospital’s Outrageous ER Charges
“Eventually it got to the point where I was like, ‘I don’t really want to go to collections, because this might ruin my credit score’…
‘Delta Variant’ Case Confirmed in La Plata County
The Delta variant was first detected in India and is widely regarded by public health experts to be one of the most transmissible and severe variants of COVID-19 to-date…
Colorado Colleges Work to Erase Hunger, Mental Illness on Campus
The four campuses receiving a Hunger Free designation all operate food pantries and collect and report on student food insecurity…
Dealing with ‘Teacher Stress’
“I keep trying to make sure I’m paying attention to the virtual kids, I’m asking them questions, and alright, I’m going to pivot back to the in-person kids…”
Pueblo Community College Announces Tuition Freeze, Employee Wage Hike
“It was important to us to recognize the tremendous work our team has done over the past 15 months, often above and beyond their typical workload…”
Teachers Under Pressure as Politicians, Parents Battle Over ‘Critical Race Theory’
“Teachers are trying to create a better democracy than the one that exists in the world outside of school, where we don’t have kids screaming at one another because they have difference of opinions…”
In Mental Health Crises, a 911 Call Now Brings a Mixed Team of Helpers, and Maybe, No Cops
“I don’t know that there’s a consensus of what the best approach is at this point,” said Amy Watson, a professor of social work…
New Colorado Teachers Required to Pass ‘Reading Test’
“We have to make sure that our instructors that we are putting out into Colorado classrooms are prepared to give every student their best shot at learning how to read effectively…”
Pagosa Peak Open School Among ‘BEST Grant’ Recipients for 2021-2022
The Colorado State Board of Education has approved 65 grants for school construction projects valued at over $665 million…
San Juan Basin Public Health Thanks Local School Partners
Youth ages 12 to 17 are currently eligible for the Pfizer vaccine, and 26% of this age group have received at least one dose of COVID vaccine across Archuleta and La Plata counties…
Montana Med School Clash Revives For-Profit Vs. Nonprofit Flap
“But now essentially we have investment vehicles that are owning for-profit medical schools. That is a recipe for predatory behavior…”
City Market Kicks Off $5 Million #CommunityImmunity Giveaway
Beginning yesterday June 3, and through July 10, customers and associates are eligible for the chance to win one of five $1 million checks or groceries for a year…
Overhaul of Colorado School Funding in the Works?
The bill sets aside $90 million the state education fund to help with the transition to a new formula…
Durango Elks Lodge Announces 2021 Scholarship Awards
Recipients were selected based on leadership accomplishments, academic achievement and financial need…
The Deadliest Season for Young People Approaches
The period between Memorial Day and Labor Day is the season when more young people lose their lives in car crashes, as well as through other destructive decisions…
Little-Known Illnesses Turning Up in COVID Long-Haulers
The day Dr. Elizabeth Dawson was diagnosed with covid-19 in October, she awoke feeling as if she had a bad hangover…