The Wild Horse Fire Brigade Plan also provides for the evolutionary-level genetic conservation of culturally important American wild horses…
Author: William E Simpson II
OPINION: BLM’s Disastrously Expensive Wild Horse Policy
Horses are Nature’s keystone herbivores, and they symbiotically reduce and maintain wildfire fuels (grass and brush)…
OPINION: Prescribed Burning, a Failed Policy for Wildfire Prevention
Prescribed burning has become a multi-million dollar annual business for both private and public sectors. But the metrics and science show it’s both a dangerous and inadequate band-aid…
OPINION: America is Burning… But Are the People In Charge Learning?
It’s a plain fact that the evolution of catastrophic abnormal wildfires are the result of our collapsed herbivory…
OPINION: Livestock Grazing has Limitations and Poses a Serious Risk to Wilderness Areas
A collapse of native flora adversely impacts a host of co-evolved species, like deer, small mammals, birds and even pollinators…
OPINION: Let’s Talk Invasive Species
If we are as smart as we think we are, horses can once again come to the aid of humankind…
OPINION: Wild Horses vs Cattle, and Why the Difference Matters
A herd of cattle that have devastated the landscape east of Fall Creek on the south side of Copco Road in California…
OPINION: Are Prescribed Burns the Silver Bullet?
Just days before, the Colorado State Forest Service had set fire to the dangerously overgrown forest near the Lower North Fork of the Platte River…
OPINION: News from the Wild Horse Fire Brigade
This new wild horse music video, ‘We Are The Wild Horses’, will premiere at the 2022 EQUUS Film & Arts Festival in Sacramento…
OPINION: Wild Horses Can Help Prevent Catastrophic Wildfires
It’s a plain fact that the size, intensity and frequency of catastrophic wildfires over the past decade are increasing…
OPINION: Lost Opportunity to Prevent Catastrophic Wildfire
Sadly, and quite unnecessarily, a massive McKinney Fire has exploded in just 24-hours from 300 acres on July 29th to 38,000 acres on July 30…
OPINION: Open Letter to the California Wool Growers Association
Invasive species livestock (cattle, sheep and goats) that evolved off-continent (Africa), which published studies show, digest virtually all the seeds of North American plants and grasses…
OPINION: Blaming Wild Horses For the Spread of Invasive Weeds is a Twisted Tale
It is a fact, native species wild horses are evolved re-seeders of native plants and grasses in North America, and invasive species ungulates (cattle and sheep) are not…
BLM Mismanagement of American Wild Horses Burdening Taxpayers?
The livestock industry uses this big money to press the BLM for further roundups, ballooning the BLM’s Wild Horse and Burro Program budget from $19.8 million in 2001 to $116 million in 2021…
OPINION: Prescribed Burning a Second-Class Option
According to wildfire forensics reported for hundreds of wildfires at InciWeb, the predominant fuel in a majority of western wildfires is grass and brush, which is now overgrown virtually everywhere in western states…
OPINION: Wild Horses on the Virginia Range… Land of the Walking Dead?
All treated horses will soon vanish from the landscape over a 10-15-year period… slowly dying-off on the landscape beyond the public eye…
OPINION: The Wild Horse Problem, and a Solution
Wild horses in America are not being managed in harmony with natural evolutionary processes. All wildlife management must be conducted in concert with natural processes…
OPINION: The Last Days of American Wild Horses
After this latest second-round of so-called ‘gathers’ in the past year, wild horse populations in the west will be taken down to levels that are genetically non-sustainable…