Sylvia McGauley, a teacher in an impoverished school district outside Portland, Oregon, described her school as the “perfect prey for military recruiters…”
Author: Robert Koehler
ESSAY: Bob’s Rhubarb Lounge
I read half a dozen poems, all of them exploratory in ways I couldn’t imagine, except as poems…
OPINION: Feeding the Wolves
“A diverse coalition of civil society groups responded with disgust after the Senate Armed Services Committee voted Thursday…”
OPINION: At War with Ourselves
We have to salute, as a people, something other than glorified murder…
OPINION: An Ever-Expanding Military… America’s Primary National Purpose?
While he noted that “we do not need a massive increase in the defense budget,” I wish he had said what we do need…
OPINION: When Jim Crow Greeted the Returning Black Vets
The bill is named in honor of two African American vets of World War II who unintentionally found their way into the historical record because of what was done to them…
OPINION: The Court of Ecological Awareness
The suit, which seeks not money but a court ruling declaring the state’s relationship with the fossil fuel industry to be unconstitutional, points out: “Children are uniquely vulnerable to the consequences of the climate crisis…”
OPINION: Considering National Defense
“Some day, after mastering the wind, the waves, the tides, and gravity, we will harness for God the energies of Love…”
OPINION: American History, in a Ziploc Bag
“I am a garbage collector,” he explains. “Racist garbage. For three decades I have collected items that defame and belittle Africans and their American descendants…”
OPINION: A World That Worships Mammon
What’s needed is more than just divestment. What’s needed is a cultural — a spiritual — breakthrough in our sense of who we are, in our relationship to the planet…
ESSAY: Wrestling with Infinity
“This is what I do,” he said. “I make stuff. I give it away…”
OPINION: Women’s Rights in Afghanistan, and Beyond
So a crucial question that accompanies the Afghan women’s protests is this: How can the rest of the world support it?
OPINION: The Youngest Victims of Sunday’s Airstrike
What seems not to be part of the editorial board’s sense of unutterable tragedy is this…
ESSAY: Growing Old in a Newborn Universe
Suddenly I’m curious in a real way. I just turned… 75. There’s a significance to that number that isn’t abstract, and I’m having a hard time ignoring it…
OPINION: What If… a United World is Possible?
How does Planet Earth connect with itself? How do we create a human community that isn’t separated from itself by its own borders? Is it possible?
OPINION: Democracy, the Enemy of the Powerful
Are we a democracy? I’d have to say both yes and no. That’s because democracy is a paradox…
OPINION: Civilizing the Savage
Then, they marched the Indians more than 1,200 miles to Indian Territory…
OPINION: Why Did You Kill My Brother?
The more I ponder this question — “why?” — the larger it grows. Whatever justice is, I believe it begins here…