We understand that life changes and throws curve balls at us! We wish Ms. Lindner well in her leadership position with the PSAAR…
Author: Mary Jo Coulehan
CHAMBER NEWS: Get Ready to Order your Hanging Baskets
We will again offer 12” baskets and 16” baskets. These basket types would not be possible without the partnership of Pagosa Nursery and Bayfield Gardens..
Community Award Winners Celebrated at Annual Chamber Event
At the Chamber’s annual Community Conversation and Celebration on February 9, numerous entities and individuals were honored…
CHAMBER NEWS: Save the Date for the Annual Meeting and Awards, Feb. 9
The Tennyson Center will be decorated for their Mardi Gras celebration, so come decked out in Mardi Gras attire and ready for some fun…
Pagosa Chamber Board Candidates Announced
The Chamber organization feels it is important to have a range of businesses represented on the Board of Directors which is made up of 9 directors…
Donate Your Christmas Tree to the Winterfest Bonfire Event
You can drop off your trees up until Friday, January 19, which is when the WinterFest Bonfire will occur…
CHAMBER NEWS: ‘Shop Small’ in Pagosa Springs on Nov. 25
These retailers are your neighbors, friends, people you go to church with, people that your children go to school with…
Chamber Announces Continuing Partnership with CGI Digital
The state of the art digital video series highlights all Pagosa Springs has to offer for new businesses, residents and visitors…
CHAMBER NEWS: ColorFest Coming September 15-17
We will have two days of a hot air balloon mass ascension…
CHAMBER NEWS: Citizen Voices Needed, Today, to Comment on Sign Code Changes
Please take the time to look at your sign and the signs around your business and interpret how these changes might affect your business community…
Chamber Offering Intermediate QuickBooks Sessions
The sessions will be conducted with Nelly Burns, an accounting business owner, SBDC consultant and QuickBooks pro advisor and trainer…
ColorFest Tickets Now on Sale
This (typically sold-out) event highlights Pagosa’s fine restaurants, caterers, and specialty food shops
Attention, Employers Who Have Employees Seeking Citizenship
There are only 25 spaces available, and one of your employees could be in need of this assistance.
CHAMBER NEWS: Keep Your Employees Informed
How many times do employees come to you, as the trusted employer, to help them with a problem, or when they need a service?
Register Now for the 2023 Pagosa Car Show
New to the show this year is a “special interest” category with some unique vehicles such as side-by-sides and those vehicles that don’t into the traditional listings…
Sign Up for Rural Philanthropy Days by This Wednesday
This conference has changed over the years, so it is important that you get up to speed…
Sign Up Today for Colorado Secure Savings Program
Employers with 15-49 employees, the registration deadline is today, Monday, May 15…
CHAMBER NEWS: Social Media Training in April
Our trainer will be Hilarie Strong, former Pagosa Chamber Marketing Coordinator now currently handling business training for the Arizona Small Business Development Center…