The economy in general, and inflation in particular, have been listed as key election issues for 2024…
Author: John Tures
For years, Trump has said exactly what he meant, while others in his party have tried to say they didn’t see his quotes in the news…
INTEL FROM THE IVORY TOWER: Hurricane Relief, Farm Bill, and the Middle East
“The ball’s in Speaker Johnson’s court,” Bishop added. “He must organize his caucus to make this happen…”
INTEL FROM THE IVORY TOWER: Are We Getting More Hurricanes?
Hurricane Helene made the top ten in terms of most intense tropical hurricanes to hit Florida…
INTEL FROM THE IVORY TOWER: Do the Presidential Debates Matter?
I found that the winner of the second debate has historically done much better at winning the presidency…
INTEL FROM THE IVORY TOWER: Republicans Seem Dispirited?
Republicans nationally could learn from Rep. Moore’s frank assessment of the situation…
INTEL FROM THE IVORY TOWER: Do Political Conventions Help Swing a State Toward Their Party?
Four years ago, the Democrats located their convention in my birth city of Milwaukee, Wisconsin, which was a smart move, as they were able to retake that state that they lost in 2016…
INTEL FROM THE IVORY TOWER: Neo-Nazis, Not Student Protesters, Are a Bigger Threat To All Americans
It got pretty ugly when they waved swastikas, insulted kids, and took on cops…
INTEL FROM THE IVORY TOWER: Ready To Pay More For Your Weather Reports?
Is a tornado or hurricane headed our way, and where should we go… or how much time do we have to get to safety?
INTEL FROM THE IVORY TOWER: The Reason Biden Has Stepped Aside
It comes down to Biden’s debate performance, and subsequent appearances at summits and news conferences, show that he’s not as spry as he used to be…
INTEL FOR THE IVORY TOWER: Slavery and the American Revolution
As we celebrate the 4th of July this month, it’s worth noting that there’s another historical battle being fought…
INTEL FROM THE IVORY TOWER: Debates, and Polls, and Election Victories
That means that in 13 elections, the debate winners have won seven of these…
INTEL FROM THE IVORY TOWER: Can Biden Win the Debate?
We also know from history that Trump can’t stand it when anyone else gets to talk in the same room as him…
INTEL FROM THE IVORY TOWER: Lessons from the Judean Revolt
Roman legionnaires from Syria were ordered in to quash the revolt. But a united Judean people set an ambush for them and crushed their army at the Battle of Beth Horon…
INTEL FROM THE IVORY TOWER: Should Countries Recognize Palestine?
But is there a better solution to rescue these well-meaning countries who may be making an error by encouraging Hamas…
INTEL FROM THE IVORY TOWER: Our Crucial Need for an Independent Judiciary
“All the rights secured to the citizens under the Constitution are worth nothing, and a mere bubble, except guaranteed to them by an independent and virtuous Judiciary…”
INTEL FROM THE IVORY TOWER: Does Military Experience Make A Better President?
As we celebrate Memorial Day week, we focus on the sacrifice of those who served and some who remain buried on the battlefield…
INTEL FOR THE IVORY TOWER: America’s Struggles With Church Attendance
No U.S. Supreme Court, or American politician, or educational institution can account for this finding…