Dams contribute to greenhouse gas emissions in many ways, including through the reservoirs and artificial lakes they hold back…
Author: Gary Wockner
SAVE THE COLORADO: Elon Musk Gets the Gross Dam Fiasco Exactly Wrong
“It makes no more sense to build a new dam on the Colorado River than it does on Mars…”
OPINION: Court Rules Denver Water Dam Expansion Violates Federal Laws
Denver Water and Gross Dam was defeated in Federal District Court, as a violation of the Clean Water Act and National Environmental Policy Act…
OPINION: Our Fight Against Glen Canyon Dam Gets Its Day in Court
“Glen Canyon Dam is the dinosaur of the water world. We need to prepare for unprecedented low flow conditions on the Colorado River…”
OPINION: Denver Water Required to Do New NEPA Analysis for Gross Dam Expansion Scheme
If Denver Water could not properly estimate how much rock material they needed to build a massive new dam, what else have they estimated incorrectly?
OPINION: Governors, Farmers, Cities Put Glen Canyon Dam in Crosshairs of Colorado River EIS
An alternative examining bypassing water around or through Glen Canyon Dam must be developed by the U.S. Bureau of Reclamation…
‘Save the Colorado’ Promotes Grand Canyon Restoration Alternative
The USBR created a plan for a bypass tunnel around Glen Canyon Dam to help solve the Colorado River’s ongoing drought…
SAVE THE COLORADO: Biden Bellyflops in the Colorado River
News reports suggest this so-called “inflation reduction” could cost the U.S. taxpayer $1.2 billion…
OPINION: “Defend the Fens” Launches Against Dam Proposals in Colorado’s High Country
“The proposals to destroy these fens and their unique ancient attributes must be countered with an aggressive fight….”
OPINION: Finally, a Reasonable Plan for Glen Canyon Dam
For years, we’ve pointed out that much of the Colorado River ‘crisis’ has been caused by the mere existence of Glen Canyon Dam…
OPINION: ‘Save The Colorado’ Promotes Nature-Based Solutions, Climate Action for Colorado River Crisis
Comments to the Bureau of Reclamation for the Supplemental Environmental Impact Statement include Decommissioning Glen Canyon Dam…
OPINION: Can Conservation Save the Colorado River, or Just Fuel More Growth?
As the federal government’s “money for water conservation” plan plays out, keep your eyes on the ball…
OPINION: False Information Not Helping the Thornton Water Project
Yesterday, the “Home Builders Association of Metro Denver” and the “Colorado Association of Home Builders” sent a comment letter to the Larimer County Commissioners…
‘Save The Poudre’ Promotes Nature-Based Solution To End Poudre River Dam Battle
After nearly 20 years of intense battle that has paralyzed water supply planning in Northern Colorado, ‘Save The Poudre’ has adopted a new United Nations-based model that could both restore the Cache la Poudre River and allow city agencies to meet their water needs. Called “Nature-Based Solutions”, the model will be a central feature of READ MORE
OPINION: Thornton Water Pipeline Denied in Court of Appeals
Thornton must now decide if it will appeal the ruling to the Colorado Supreme Court…
OPINION: ‘Save the Colorado’ Issues Letter to Bureau of Reclamation
The number one rule, when you’re in a hole, is to stop digging…
OPINION: We Must Protect the Colorado River Itself
Touton finally acted as the adult in the room, issuing an edict that must be complied with…
Loss of Hydropower on Colorado River Likely Won’t Increase GHG Emissions
“Stating that hydropower generated by Glen Canyon and Hoover Dam is ‘clean energy’ or ‘carbon free’ is not true…”