“Bats?” murmured one audience member while listening to Pagosa Peak Open School’s presentation about pollination given to the Mountain High Garden Club…
Author: Emily Murphy
Emily Murphy is School Director at Pagosa Peak Open School, the first District-authorized charter school in Archuleta County. Prior to her appointment as School Director, Emily filled various roles at PPOS including Project-Based Learning advisor, instructional coach, and assistant director.
PPOS Students Explore ‘The Secret Life of Pollinators’
“Dragonflies are pollinators,” said Tenzin. “They move from flower to flower pollinating along the way…”
Pagosa Peak Middle Schoolers in the Land of the Pika
Students had hiked the Continental Divide trail earlier in the trip, continuing their work with Keith Bruno from the Audubon Society on a state-wide project referred to as PikaNet…
Pagosa Peak Open School Starts the New Year with Nine Grade Levels
PPOS’s Project-Based Learning curriculum continues in all the classes, and students across PPOS are looking forward to applying their learning…