The tourism industry is now tasked not just with “selling” our communities, but also preserving some vestiges of why locals choose to live here…
Author: Bill Hudson
EDITORIAL: BOCC Tables Controversial Property Purchase, Part Three
“And I know that we are the ones who make the decision, but I feel like it would be prudent of us to get a financial advisor, to show us what the cost would be…”
EDITORIAL: Ways to Attract Wealthier, Better-Behaved Tourists, Part Three
“So if we start to look at those segments, and start to maximize those types of visitors, we can quiet that noise with all the visitors creating all the negative impact….”
EDITORIAL: BOCC Tables Controversial Property Purchase, Part Two
But you can’t properly maintain 500 miles of road with a small population scattered over 1,000 square miles. The tax base is simply too small…
EDITORIAL: BOCC Tables Controversial Property Purchase, Part One
“The efforts to recall Commissioner Veronica Medina took the work of many volunteers from employees of the county, to longtime residents, to local business owners…”
EDITORIAL: Ways to Attract Wealthier, Better-Behaved Tourists, Part Two
“I have an affinity for data analysis. I love looking at data and trends. I use it in my day-to-day operations at The Springs Resort…”
EDITORIAL: Ways to Attract Wealthier, Better-Behaved Tourists, Part One
I’ve been following, and writing about, the Town Tourism Committee — later to become the Pagosa Springs Area Tourism Board — since about 2006…
EDITORIAL: Labor Day, Considered
In the spring of 1894, the Pullman railroad car manufacturing company had pushed its workforce into despair, following the Panic of 1883…
County Offices in the Courthouse Closed Until Further Notice
Reportedly, another citizen overhead the comment, and went inside and informed one of the County officials…
EDITORIAL: A Roomful of Loyal Republicans, Part Three
For me, this question turns on one particular section of one particular Colorado statute…
EDITORIAL: A Roomful of Loyal Republicans, Part Two
The room fairly exploded with rude comments from members of the audience, directed at Ms. Suh and Ms. Springer…
EDITORIAL: A Roomful of Loyal Republicans, Part One
Reclaim Archuleta had invited Commissioner Medina to be present at the presentation to answer questions. Commissioner Medina had, in turn, invited County Attorney Todd Weaver to attend the presentation…
EDITORIAL: Two Views of Pagosa’s Future, Part Five
Developers sometimes use phrases like “middle income” and “missing middle” to disguise the fact that they are actually serving higher income households…
EDITORIAL: Two Views of Pagosa’s Future, Part Four
The sales pitch seems to be, “If the County becomes our anchor tenant, then we promise to build some workforce housing on the parcel next door…”
EDITORIAL: Two Views of Pagosa’s Future, Part Three
We sometimes envision private, for-profit businesses keeping the American economy going. In fact, here in Pagosa Springs, most of the best paid employees are working for local governments…
EDITORIAL: Two Views of Pagosa’s Future, Part Two
“Colorado House Bill 24-1300 proposed to create a mandatory wildfire certification program. From my cheap seats, I see this as similar to the septic transfer process…”
EDITORIAL: Two Views of Pagosa’s Future, Part One
Over the past couple of decades, forestry professionals have adopted the perspective that periodic wildfire is an essential feature of healthy forests…
Celebrating Chimney Rock National Monument
“WHEREAS, the Association’s vision is to inspire people to experience Chimney Rock’s unique beauty, history, and cultural importance…”